Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3439: Life for life!

Space battlefield!

Xu Xiaojun looked at the saint Leech on the opposite side, his face was full of indifference, and then the two also came to an empty place.

After seeing the battle between Li Yuanba and the Golden Retriever Saint General, Xu Xiaojun knew that although their strength had improved, the top ten Saint Generals were not what they used to be, and she could not relax a little bit.

Unlike Xu Xiaojun, the sage Leech looked at Xu Xiaoyun, as if something had crawled in his heart, itchy, as early as the last time he fought, the sage Leech had fancyed Xu Xiaoyun, and now Xu Xiaoyun is full of rejection. The indifferent temperament thousands of miles away aroused his desire to conquer.

And as far as he knows, among the ten great war gods, the strongest is Li Yuanba, and among the ten great saint generals, the golden-haired saint general is not the strongest, at least he is better than the golden-haired saint general.

This time he must take Xu Xiaojun back home. Thinking of this, the disgusting mouth of Saint General Leech came out with disgusting saliva again.

Xu Xiaojun frowned slightly. Then, she turned into an ice wind, and then in the eyes of everyone, the ice wind directly turned into ice crystals. Then, when the holy leech couldn’t react, the ice crystals instantly attached to it. On him, it was frozen.

"The ice wind is in the sky!"

As an indifferent voice suddenly sounded, a chill suddenly fell around the two of them, and many people felt that they had fallen from the scorching summer to the twelfth lunar winter.

And the sage Leech who was at the center of the chill was eroded from outside to inside by the chill.

"Want to freeze me with the chill, little lady, your chill is almost too!"

Saint Leech made a faint voice!

"Not to freeze you, but to kill you, and the ice wind is annihilated!"

Xu Xiaoyun's indifferent voice did not carry any temperature, and as her voice fell, the surroundings, no matter the chill or the void, instantly disappeared and turned into powder, including of course the holy Leech who was frozen by the chill.

Everyone didn't know what was happening. Xu Xiaoyun and the sage Leech were no longer seen, only some powder was left floating, and they didn't feel any chill or breath.

"Your people are really ruthless, not only ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to themselves, even at the cost of killing the enemy with their own life. To be honest, I admire it a little bit!"

The Killer Bee said lightly, still with a faint smile on his face, no happiness or anger was visible.

"My people have won, the holy general of Leech has completely died, and the ice wind war god, there is still a trace of remnant soul!" Tian Xing'er said lightly, but his heart was a pain, Xu Xiaoyun turned out to be the same as Li Yuanba, and used it at the beginning With the means of ruining the same, Leech Saint General did not show any performance at all, and he was completely dead.

At this time, at the place where Xu Xiaojun and Saint Leech fought, an ice wind feather appeared, and at this moment, a hand took it to the palm of the hand.

"Girl, you really fight!"

Xiao Chen looked at Bingfeng Feather. Xu Xiaoyun and Li Yuanba were in almost the same conditions. This scene reminded Xiao Chen of the scene where the ten great gods blew themselves when they were in the fairy world. In order to protect the heavenly universe, the ten great gods never feared life or death. !

"If it hadn't been for the soul armor to save their last trace of remnant soul, they would now be the same as those two holy generals, completely dead!"

Xiao Ling said.

"Thank you so much!"

Xiao Chen expressed sincere gratitude that at the beginning, because of his incompetence, the Ten Great Gods were forced to blew himself up and won the war. Although he later resurrected him, this incident has always been a thorn in his heart.

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