Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3436: The more you fight!

"Your speed can't keep up with me, your strength can't break my defense, what else are you using to fight me?"

The Golden Retriever Saint General stared at Li Yuanba and said very calmly.

Li Yuanba was silent. What the Golden Retriever Saint General said was exactly what he worried about. Even the cutting power he had just obtained could not help him to defend against the Golden Retriever Saint General's defense. The current situation is extremely unfavorable to him.

"What about it, I will never lose!" Li Yuanba said coldly, and the two hammers appeared in his hands. Since speed and cutting power were useless, he would simply use his strength to tell the winner. Thinking of this, Li Yuanba was already holding two hammers, appeared above the Golden Retriever Saint General, and smashed it down.

"I don't know what I can do!" The Golden Retriever snorted coldly. The golden retrievers were condensed and pierced directly on the double hammers. The sound of metal collision was extremely sharp, but the Golden Retriever didn't move!

Li Yuanba's heart sank, no matter what, he fell with one hammer and one hammer, looking a bit self-defeating!

"Huh!" The Golden Retriever Saint General sneered, and with just one shot, he picked Li Yuanba out, and when he just wanted to take a shot, Li Yuanba had already come back. The two of you come and go. Although it seems that Li Yuanba is aggressive, who It can be seen that Li Yuanba has fallen short, not only using his strength indiscriminately, but also having color on his body. It will be a matter of time before the defeat.

The Murder Bee had a faint smile on his face, and everyone else in the Ten Great Generals also had a smile. On the other hand, on the side of the Star Universe, his face was frowned and the atmosphere was solemn.

"This kind of feeling, is it more courageous than ever!" Different from other people, Xiao Chen showed a strange expression on his face, and Li Yuanba's appearance gave Xiao Chen a familiar feeling.

"The vision is very vicious. You are right. When refining the soul armor, I did add the unique attributes of the God of War suit. The more you fight and the more bravery, this kid finally found out."

Xiao Ling's proud voice rang.

The more you fought, the more bravery you fought. As you continued to fight, your strength became stronger and stronger. It was a unique attribute of Xiao Chen's War God suit. He didn't expect to be cultivated into the soul armor by Xiao Ling. Xiao Chen was relieved.

Li Yuanba and the Golden Retriever Saint General kept fighting. No matter how many times Li Yuanba was beaten and wounded, he never stopped attacking. From the beginning, he was constantly beaten up, and then the two gradually became a tie, and then Li Yuanba was slightly suppressed. Although there was no change in the galaxy, Xiao Chen knew that the two had been fighting for three days and three nights.

Even though they were born in half a step, under such a high-intensity battle, they are somewhat exhausted!

"God of War! God of War!"

From the side of the Star Universe, there were shouts one after another. Seeing Li Yuanba being crushed and beaten from the beginning, until now Li Yuanba was crushing the opponent, they were excited and passionate, and their momentum rose.

The Killer Bee looked at all of this, although there was a smile on his face, but a trace of coldness flashed, causing the saints around to feel a chill, and they could feel that their master was a little angry.

At this time, the Golden Retriever Saint General, who had always been very calm, suddenly appeared a little unbelievable. In his opinion, it was a matter of time to solve Li Yuanba, but as the battle continued, he unexpectedly discovered the power of Li Yuanba. Getting stronger and stronger, as a result, he couldn't solve Li Yuanba, but it was sooner or later that he was solved by Li Yuanba.

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