Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3404: Fainted!

Xiao Chen didn't make any other movements, but just raised his fingers indifferently, and drew a circle to curse you for an instant activation. This powerful man suddenly heard a thunderous roar, and then he immediately covered his stomach, his face was already covered with cold sweat. .

"One-eyed, you dare to use curse power on labor and capital, you don't want to live anymore?"

"Bai Hong, which one of your eyes saw the old man using cursing power on you." One-eyed said with disdain, looking at Bai Hong just like looking at an idiot.

"You don't pretend to be garlic. Besides you, who else can use the power of curse." Bai Hong shouted coldly.

"Sorry, I will too." At this moment, Xiao Chen said lightly.


Hearing this, Bai Hong looked at Xiao Chen for an instant, and everyone else looked at Xiao Chen. They knew how important the power of curse was by One-Eyed, and it was absolutely forbidden to spread it, and even some of his descendants were naturally good at cursing. , Had been cleared by him, how could this kid curse the power?

"Don't believe me, that will make you feel a little deeper." Xiao Chen said lightly, then pointed to Bai Hong again, and the roar inside him suddenly became stronger, and then suddenly there was a thunder blast behind him. The stench spreads to the void, and the other strong immortal cultists stepped back a hundred feet in an instant, looking at Bai Hong, for a while, some did not know what to say.

But Bai Hong stood there, his face flushed, and his whole body trembling. He was angry, ashamed, frightened and frightened. He actually fart in front of so many powerful men and lived for millions of years. He has never been so humiliated. , Suddenly couldn't help it anymore, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his body was wilted, his eyes rolled, and he fell downward.

Bai Hong fainted directly, but it was also a super strong man who fart in public. It was even more difficult to accept this incident than killing him. Fainting was already considered light.

Many powerhouses looked at each other, looking at Bai Hong's end, they were all Yi Han, if they were so embarrassed, I am afraid it would be an end now.

"It's worthy of being an adult. The use of cursing power is hundreds of times stronger than me." One-Eyed said with emotion, he definitely couldn't do this.

"Who is your Excellency?" The three-eyed old man and the others looked at Xiao Chen, with some fear in their eyes, that was fear of the power of curse, they didn't want to become like Bai Hong.

"Be careful, everyone, don't underestimate this, the old soul eater has died in his hands." At this moment, the Wing Sha Tian Demon and the Black Iron Sword Demon walked out and said solemnly.

"What, the old soul eater is dead!"

Hearing that, everyone was shocked again. They have been together for so many years and are very familiar with each other. Although the old soul eater is not strong, but the mastery of the soul is very strong. It is more difficult to kill him than to kill other strong people. .

"It turns out that the two of you are defeated, but you are also quite capable. Do you want to mess with me?" Xiao Chen looked at the duo.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again. Did the Wing Sha Tian Demon and the Black Iron Sword Demon also lose to Xiao Chen's hands?

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, there are so many strong immortal sects here, can't you take one of you?"

The evil wing demon's face was ugly and said, although they were all defeated, there are so many strong immortal cultists here, are you afraid of a little kid!

"Do you want to fight?" Xiao Chen smiled faintly, "Well, let you see some interesting things."

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