Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3400: Xiao Chen's guess!

"This doesn't seem to be a pure killing intent, but a bit like a killing aura. How can I feel this killing intent reminds me of Lord Cthulhu." Doubt flashed in Mo Tuo's eyes.

"When you say that, his breath really looks a bit like Lord Cthulhu."

Immediately other strong men echoed the road.

"Could it be...!"

"Dare to ask your Excellency, do you know Lord Cthulhu?" The one-eyed old man looked at Xiao Chen and hurriedly bowed his hands, asking with a somewhat respectful attitude. Whether it is Xiao Chen's strength or it may be related to that adult, it is not in his mouth. That kid who doesn't know the height of the sky.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen asked calmly: "Cthulhu, you mean the Cthulhu who slaughtered the mainland?"

He naturally heard the voices of the one-eyed old man and others just now. He just released the killing intent. He originally wanted to shock these people again, but he did not expect to contact the evil god. But what they said was good, and he released it. It is the killing aura. Although his current cultivation base is countless times stronger than the original cultivation base of Killing the Continent, he has never given up on this killing aura because he is the **** of killing Xiao Chen!

"Your Excellency really comes from the killing universe?"

Hearing that, the one-eyed old man and others all lost their voice.

"Could it be..." Xiao Chen's eyes flashed brightly, "So, I didn't expect you to find the Slaughter Universe and come back alive. It seems that the evil **** boy has a lot of plot!"

The powerhouses of the Immortal Sect were exiled to the depths of the universe by Tian Xing'er. Naturally, they would not be reconciled, but they also knew that they were not Tian Xing's opponents, and to defeat Tian Xing'er, other methods must be needed, and they could only explore the depths of the universe. Or they just broke into the Slaughter Universe without a doubt, and then were defeated by the so-called Cthulhu.

Indeed, as Xiao Chen guessed, the depths of the universe are lonely and lonely, and they are naturally unwilling, so they can only explore the depths of the universe, and the effort paid off, they finally found a new universe, but this new one The universe also has creators, and they are so powerful that they can easily defeat them all.

Although Xiao Chen was only guessing, his tone was so determined that he made the one-eyed old man and others believe that Xiao Chen knew about Killing the Universe, after all, it was the Killing Continent that Xiao Chen first proposed.

Now the one-eyed old man and the others were shocked by Xiao Chen's tone, the evil god, who is Xiao Chen in front of him?

"So, it seems that you were all deceived by the evil **** boy." Looking at the expressions of everyone, Xiao Chen said lightly, if the Slaughter Continent and Slaughter Universe where his memory of killing God is located are the same place, then there are many Star Universes now. A potentially huge threat.

Slaughter Continent believes in killing each other to enhance strength. There is no end to repair, and naturally no end to killing. Perhaps the Slaughter universe can no longer meet their killing needs. When they learn that there are other universes, they will naturally pay attention to other universes.

Or maybe, now the Heretic God is bringing a large number of powerful people to kill here. Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart is very heavy. It is also an extraterritorial evil demon, and it is also a Heretic God. How could this Heavenly Star Universe have so many calamities.

"What do you mean by your excellency?" the one-eyed old man said, with anger on his face and questioning in his words.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, "The evil **** boy should promise you to live forever together."

Hearing that, the face of the one-eyed old man and others changed.

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