Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3390: One-eyed old man!

Xiao Chen's spear directly collided with the sword-blade tornado, and then directly stalemate in mid-air, and began to collide continuously. The metal sound produced by the collision of the sharp blades continued to spread around.

"This kid actually blocked the combined attack of the two of us. Is this really something that people below the Creator can do?" Sky Demon Wing Sha said in disbelief.

"Since he has such a strong strength, why didn't he go to the cosmic battlefield, **** it, I hope it won't affect us to complete the task!" The Black Iron Sword Demon's face was very ugly.

"We consume a lot, I think it's better for us to withdraw first." Wing Sha Tianma suggested.

"Okay." The Black Iron Sword Demon nodded, and the two disappeared in an instant, and just after the two disappeared, Xiao Chen directly slammed the sword blade tornado upwards, and then disappeared into the sky.

Xiao Chen stood there, looking at the two who had disappeared, frowning slightly. This place is not far from Star City, but there has been such a big movement here, but there is no strong person in Star City. I hope nothing will happen.

"Uncle, are you all right."

Just here, the teenagers and girls hiding in the distance came over, and Zhu Yu asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Xiao Chen said.

"Uncle, who on earth are you, you can defeat the legendary powerhouse." Feng Yan couldn't help asking.

"Me, the Supreme Elder of the Sky Star Sect, Xiao Chen!" Xiao Chen said lightly, leaving a word that shocked them, and disappeared in place and headed towards the Star City.

After returning to the Star City, Xiao Chen did not perceive any abnormal aura, until he walked to the Star Tower, a group of people walked out in front of him. The two elderly men were headed by, one of whom was rather gloomy, while the other was one. A one-eyed old man.

Behind the gloomy old man, there are several acquaintances of Xiao Chen, including Elder Liu, Chao Xinyu and others.

Behind the one-eyed old man, there were a few people whose aura was extremely fierce, similar to the aura of the Winged Demon and the Black Iron Sword Demon.

Xiao Chen suddenly frowned slightly.

"Boy, it's you, so you are still in the heart of the wild." After Elder Liu saw Xiao Chen, anger and hatred suddenly appeared on the old face. That day, when Xiao Chen refused to help her face to face, he was in the Sky Star Tower. , She had always held a grudge, and always wanted to find Xiao Chen for revenge, but a month ago, Xiao Chen suddenly lost the news, and she did not expect to meet him again.

Xiao Chen ignored Elder Liu, just looked at the one-eyed elders, and said lightly: "Everyone of the Immortal Cult, come to my site and don't say hello to my master, isn't it too rude."

Xiao Chen's voice fell, and several people paused. Then they stopped and looked at Xiao Chen. The one-eyed old man looked at Xiao Chen, slightly surprised: "Boy, who are you, you can recognize us at a glance?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I remember that you should have been driven out of the prehistoric land, why are you back? I think you should also come with a mission. What is your mission?"

Xiao Chen asked in a deep voice, and at the same time raised his hand slightly.

"I don't want to teach nonsense with you for eternal life, obediently tell your mission, and I can forgive you to die, otherwise I don't care how strong you were before, starting today, you will become history."

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

Hearing that, the one-eyed old man and the others all looked startled, and the boy in front of him who only had Mahayana First Heavy was going to say that they had been killed, and they even suspected that they had heard hallucinations.

"I think you are not only blind, but also deaf. Do I need to repeat it."

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