Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3379: Elder Liu pleaded!

Star Tower, Alchemy Square!

The powerhouses crushed by Xiao Chen's formation method have all been resurrected by Xiao Chen. To be precise, they have all been reborn and possessed new powerful bodies.

"Now your lives are all mine. When I finish solving other things, you will all follow me to the cosmic battlefield. Is there any problem?"

Xiao Chen looked at a group of excited strong men on the square and said coldly.

"Of course it's okay, I can't wait to go to the cosmic battlefield to fight for a fight right now!"

"Me too, I want to try now, how strong is my body!"

"I really want to see what the expressions of those old guys would look like when we appeared on the cosmic battlefield in this way."

"It's better if there is no problem. If there is a problem, I can make you reborn, and I can also destroy you."

Xiao Chen left an indifferent word, looked at Tian Xing'er, and their group walked outside the square. After arriving at the gate of the square, they saw Elder Liu, Chao Xinyu, and a few white-haired old men with a face To the door.

After seeing Tian Xing'er, they immediately bowed their hands and said, "I have seen the lord!"

Tian Xing'er nodded, "What's the matter with you?"

"Please also help us with the Sect Master, our body is already overwhelmed!" Elder Liu respectfully saluted and said in a deep voice.

"Are the resources ready?" Tian Xing'er asked.

"It's ready." Elder Liu respectfully said.

"Okay." Tian Xing'er then looked at Xiao Chen beside him.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, pointing at Elder Liu and said, "Except for her, everyone else who fought with the evil demons outside the territory left behind the dark wounds. I can save them, but nothing else!"

Xiao Chen is not a saint, he has an enemy with him, he has not been magnanimous enough to help her, and other people who want to fish in troubled waters will naturally not be saved.

"In addition, after I help you, you will follow me to the cosmic battlefield, otherwise you will stay here and continue to linger."

"We may have some small grievances before, the old man here apologizes to you. The old man's injuries are all left from fighting with the evil demon outside the territory. The old man hopes that he can go to the cosmic battlefield to fight again in his lifetime. Personal grievances, take the overall situation as the most important, help the old man once, the old man must be grateful."

Elder Liu bowed to Xiao Chen respectfully, with a sincere attitude, and his words were not leaking, and he even drove Xiao Chen to the army. If Xiao Chen did not help, then he would become a villain who only cares about personal grievances and ignores the overall situation. .

In this regard, Xiao Chen did not like Elder Liu’s wish, and a sneer gradually appeared on his face: "Little grievances? I don’t think so. If life and death are small grudges, does that mean I can You killed it, and then just say I'm sorry."

"The old man didn't do anything to hurt you. Why should you hold on to this," Elder Liu said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, if it weren't for my discovery, it might not be what it would be like now, and you have to be fortunate that you haven't done anything yet, otherwise you are already a dead person now!"

Xiao Chen snorted coldly, if Elder Liu really absorbed the vitality and strength of the black bear, Xiao Chen would not care who she was.

Tian Xing'er frowned slightly, it seemed that Elder Liu had done something to anger Xiao Chen, otherwise Xiao Chen would definitely not be so unreasonable.

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