Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3369: Look at my sincere face!

"Boy, you are too arrogant, this is the Sky Star Tower!" Chao Xinyu said angrily.

"So what?" Xiao Chen said, looking calm and calm.

"This kid is too arrogant!" Qi Shang, Bai Jingyi, Yi Mingfei, and the crowd onlookers all had this idea in their hearts, only Shi Zhan didn't care.

"Where are the people from the Law Enforcement Hall, do you want to watch this kid behave fiercely here?" Chao Xinyu yelled.

"Sorry, I didn't see anything." Shi Zhan spoke first.

"What are you talking about, he just hit me, didn't you see it?" Chao Xinyu glared at him.

"I really didn't see it. If you don't believe me, look at my sincere face." Shi Zhan said seriously, but his attitude made the people nearby look at each other.

"Good boy, promising!" The black bear smiled heartily at Shi Zhan.

"You...!" Chao Xinyu was angry again, then looked at Jiang Yuqing and other alchemists, and said: "You just saw it, I want you to go to the law enforcement hall to find someone now!"

"Sorry, I didn't see anything. If you don't believe me, look at my sincere face." Jiang Yuqing suddenly said seriously. Not only him, but Jiang Yuqing also walked out a few alchemists behind him, and the expressions they said and did almost Exactly the same.

"Yuqing, what do you mean?" Chao Xinyu was startled.

"Literally!" Jiang Yuqing said seriously.

"Does Xiao Chen still know Jiang Yuqing's alchemist?" Yi Mingfei was shocked to speak when he saw this. How could he not tell that Jiang Yuqing was on Xiao Chen's side.

"You..." Chao Xinyu was somewhat speechless.

"I don't want yours anymore. Since you are an alchemist, I would advise you not to be blocked by someone." Xiao Chen said, and glanced at the old man.

The old man's face sank, what is going on? This kid is just an eighth rank. How could he know someone like Jiang Yuqing, and the most important thing is that he doesn't believe what happened here. The law enforcement hall doesn't know, but why didn't you send someone to suppress this son? The sub-identity is very high, even the law enforcement hall can't move?

As for Chao Xinyu’s face is very ugly, he has been blessed by the Dragon Clan before, so he just helped the Dragon Clan casually before, but now he is beaten by Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen is still so shameless, this has become the difference between him and Xiao Chen If the personal grievances between him are not resolved, he will become the laughing stock of the Sky Star Tower in the future.

"Stop talking nonsense, I don’t believe it. I can’t cure you today. Seniors, as long as someone is willing to help take it down, I will owe you a favor to Chao Xinyu. If I want to refine a Tier 9 pill in the future, I will Xinyu must do its best!"

Chao Xinyu folded his hands and said to the surroundings, there are countless strong people in the Sky Star Tower. There are definitely not a few strong people who secretly observe the situation here. Perhaps most of the strong people disdain to take action, but he doesn't believe it. He promised such a heavy commitment. No one will be moved.

Sure enough, his voice fell, and many figures fell around him, and his body exuded a vague aura.

Jiang Yuqing glanced around and said lightly: "It's none of your business here, I advise you, it's best not to take action."

After hearing this, everyone was stunned. Although Jiang Yuqing only said a word, she had already expressed her attitude. She and Chao Xinyu were on the opposite side, and many people suddenly thought of a rumor.

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