Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3360: In Yu Qishang!

"My lord, the clan wants me to go back."

"Well, you go back first. After you have settled the matter, just come to the Sky Star Tower to find us." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes." Feng Ling nodded, and walked out.

Xiao Chen and the others rested for a while, and they planned to leave the restaurant and go to the Sky Star Tower to take a look, but when they came to the corner of the second floor, suddenly a group of young people, Zhongxing Pengyue, walked up to him.

Xiao Chen was startled. He felt that this young man was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who the other party was for a while. If Leng Aotian was there, he would definitely recognize him. The young man in front of him was Qi Shang, and he saw Qi Shang in Xiao Chen. At that time, Qi Shang also saw Xiao Chen, and suddenly a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"It's you, you didn't even die!" Qi Shang said in astonishment.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Xiao Chen wondered.

"You!" Qi Shang's expression stiffened!

"Do you know him?" Xiao Chen looked at the black bear and Li Shan again.

"I don't know." Hei Xiong and Li Shan shook their heads, their tone of disdain, they looked like a second generation ancestor, how could they know these characters.

"I am the Qishang of the Colorful Dragon Race!" Qishang said solemnly.

"Qicai Dragon Clan has heard of it, Qishang has not heard of it, if there is nothing wrong, let the road go, we still have things to do!" Xiao Chen said.

"Boy, what kind of tone are you in? You are too disrespectful to Master Qishang." Qishang hadn't spoken yet, a young man behind Qishang had already pointed at Xiao Chen and shouted sharply.

"That's right, kid, this is the Seven Color Dragon Clan's son Qishang, you dare to say that you don't know him, so don't hurry up and apologize to the Qishang son!"

Another young man scolded.

"It turned out to belong to the Colorful Dragon Clan. I heard that the Inverse Scale Guards that solved the Tiansha Alliance belonged to the Colorful Dragon Clan!"

"It is so lucky to be able to observe the style of the colorful dragon clan so close!"

After hearing this, the diners in the restaurant gathered around one after another, looking at Qi Shang with some excitement.

"Xiao Chen, I didn't expect that you didn't die on the front line, but came to Star City, but if you dare to kill my Dragon Clan, you will die!" Qi Shang said coldly, this is Star City, the concentration of all the powerful people in the entire prehistoric city. Even if Xiao Chen's methods are extraordinary, here, it is like an ant.

"Although I don't know you, I am familiar with this sentence. After all, the dragons who have said these words are dead. Why, do you want to die too?"

Xiao Chen looked at Qi Shang coldly. He had no good feelings for the Colorful Dragon Clan, and his tone was naturally not polite.

Hearing this, Qi Shang's face became cold, Qi Yun and Qi Xun died in the hands of Xiao Chen. The grievances between Xiao Chen and the Colorful Dragon Clan are no longer justified by one or two sentences. The reason why Xiao Chen appeared here Here, it must be because he ran away in advance and escaped the chase of Gongye Wolf!

However, since Xiao Chen appeared in Sky Star City, he would take care of Xiao Chen himself, and the way to solve Xiao Chen was very simple, that is, killing someone with a knife!

"I really want to die, do you dare to kill me?" Qi Shang sneered, a strange look flashed in his eyes, "No, you dare, because you have already done something to me!"

With that said, Qishang got a little bit under his feet, and fell straight back, fell to the ground, and smashed several tables and chairs.

The few young people behind Qishang were taken aback, but they were all smart people. They quickly reacted and immediately pointed to Xiao Chen and shouted, "You are so bold, in Star City, except for the martial arts stage. No place is allowed to take force without permission, and you unexpectedly attacked Young Master Qishang. Have you put the rules of the Star City in your eyes? Have you put the Star Sect in your eyes?"

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