Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3351: God of War incarnation of the God of War!

The hinterland of the gods!

The battle is on the verge!

Gao Fumei, Lei Qianjue, Zhan Taihuo, Ran Xiaoqi, four of them shot at the same time, a huge red bird, three thunder lions, nine golden snakes, a huge blue dragon, rampant in the void, extremely domineering.

At the same time, the four incarnations of Tiansha condensed a dark sword in their hands at the same time. The next moment, the four incarnations of Tiansha shot at the same time, and the dark swords in their hands were cut at the same time. Divided into two generals, severely slashed towards the four war gods!

The next moment, the pitch-black sword light collided with four behemoths, but in an instant, the Suzaku, the three thunder lions, the nine-headed golden snake, and the huge blue dragon were smashed by the black sword light!

"Hahaha, the ten war gods of the Sky Star Sect, that's nothing more than that!" The black-robed woman laughed, full of sarcasm and pride.

"What kind of thing do you dare to laugh at our Tianxingzong ten war gods, since you are so innocent, then I will send you to death now!"

Gao Fumei stared at the black-robed woman coldly, "Suzaku Sword!"

At the next moment, Gao Fumei suddenly transformed into a small Suzaku, appearing behind the black-robed woman at an extremely fast speed, and the black-robed woman seemed to have been cut by a sharp sword. The whole body was split into two instantly, and in two parts In between, there is still flame burning.

"It's really amazing, worthy of being one of the ten great war gods. I don't know what happened, so I was cut off by you. If you change to a general powerhouse, you might really be dead. It's a pity that we are the incarnation of the gods. Have an immortal body!"

The black-robed woman turned her head to look at Gao Fumei behind her, and sneered. As she spoke, due to the power of destruction, her two halves had already stuck together again.

"The incarnation of the gods is really troublesome. It can only be sealed, but it can't be killed. There is no sealer here, trouble!"

Gao Fumei frowned slightly.

"I'm so sad, you all seem to have forgotten my existence." At this moment, a voice pretending to be sad suddenly sounded. I don't know when, Xiao Chen has appeared not far from the black robe woman, indifferent Look at her.

Hearing this, the black-robed woman suddenly looked at Xiao Chen, her eyes condensed for an instant, and she forgot that there are not only the four gods of the Heavenly Star Sect, but also the most troublesome Xiao Chen.

"Last time because of the gods, I let you escape, I want to see, who else can save you this time!"

Xiao Chen held a spear and said coldly.

"You can't even break the defense of destroying monsters. Do you think you can hurt us now?" The black-robed woman said coldly. Their strength was already high, and they just absorbed the destructive power of other Tiansha incarnations. , Their current strength is already terrifying!

"You are indeed very troublesome now, but I'm not alone, you say yes." Xiao Chen said lightly, and just as his voice fell, Gao Fumei moved again, the Vermillion Bird Sword was activated, and the black robe woman divided again. two.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also moved, and the spear in his hand directly pierced the upper body of the black-robed woman. After a while, the upper body of the black-robed woman turned into a mass of destruction!

Xiao Chen just wanted to use the hand of Shenhuang, but at this moment, a dark blade of light had already been cut over. Xiao Chen's face sank, holding a spear to block the light of the knife, and then he looked at the master who had cut the light of the knife and frowned slightly.

Because it was the other half of the black-robed woman who cut out the blade of light, but this half of the body had already condensed into a complete figure.

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