Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3335: Must die!

"My son, we can't hold on for long." Qishang could not help but said a dragon expert next to him.

Qi Shang's face was full of dignity. The dragon scales in his hand were left after the death of a super strong dragon clan. He possessed a strong defensive enchantment. However, under the siege of so many strong Tiansha Demon Cults, he could not hold on for long. Up.

"Huh?" At this moment, Qi Shang's eyebrows suddenly showed joy, and said: "I feel my uncle's breath, and he is coming here!"

"Uncle, could it be Master Qixun!" Upon hearing this, a look of shock and surprise flashed in the eyes of a strong dragon clan next to him.

"Huh!" Qi Shang nodded.

"Great, we are saved, we all hold on!" The strong man hurriedly shouted, and the other strong men's faces were full of surprises. Qixun is also a colorful dragon, and he is also a sacred guard. The twenty-eighth squad is the captain of the twenty-fifth squad.

Qi Shang, their morale rose instantly, and they fully urged their Yuan Li to maintain the dragon-shaped enchantment!

About a quarter of an hour later, a group of strong men appeared, headed by a huge colorful dragon clan. With these strong men participating in the battle, the surrounding Tiansha Demon Cult strongmen quickly lost, and then fled. Dead dead!

Afterwards, the Colorful Dragon Race turned into a middle-aged person and fell down, "Shanger, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you uncle for helping me." Qi Shang said excitedly.

"I didn't expect that Santan would suddenly appear in the 28th Fan Territory. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise I don't know how to explain to your parents. You should follow me in the future."

Qixun said, fortunately, Feng Ling sent the message in time, otherwise they would not be able to come so soon!

"Okay!" Qi Shang nodded, "However, the Demon Sect of the Devil also sent three sub-altar masters, I am afraid Master Feng Ling has fallen!"

"Don't worry about her, let's kill the demons who broke into the hinterland!"

Qi Xun said, in his opinion, Feng Ling is bound to die, and now it is mainly to clean up the demons who broke into the hinterland, so as not to cause more losses.

At this time, on a certain plain, Xiao Chen and Feng Ling were besieged by a large number of demons. Feng Ling's phoenix flame burned for thousands of miles. Without the incarnation of the gods, few of these demons could block the phoenix flames. .

Xiao Chen wore the armor of the God of War and was armed with a golden spear. Whether it was sweeping or cutting vertically, dozens of demons died under the gun!

I don't know how long it took, Qi Xun and the others appeared nearby, and at a glance they saw Xiao Chen fighting with a spear!

"It's him!" Qi Shang recognized Xiao Chen at a glance. He didn't expect that Xiao Chen would not die!

"Do you know him?" Qi Xun said.

"Well, he is also from the 28th Division, and there are some conflicts between us." Qi Shang said, and then briefly talked about the conflict between them.

"What, did he kill someone from my Dragon Race?" Qi Xun's face became cold, "Then you can't let him live anymore!"

Qi Shang nodded, "Under the siege of so many Tiansha Demon Cultists, there are even a lot of Tier 9 powerhouses among them, who are still at ease. This kid is a bit capable."

"A person who kills my dragon must die. Since the demon cultists can't kill him, let us do it yourself, Qi Yun!" Qi Xun said coldly. As his voice fell, a Mahayana quadruple strong behind him The person walked out, his face full of seriousness.

This Qi Yun stepped a little bit, and had already left for Xiao Chen in the fight.

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