Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3333: Time and space disappeared after promotion!

"The gun is amazing!" Xiao Chen held the gun in both hands, his whole body suddenly changed, and the spear in his hand suddenly picked up and directly collided with Feng Yu's black knife.

Then, there was a click!

Feng Yu’s black knife was directly cut off by Xiao Chen’s spear. Feng Yu was taken aback and stepped back a hundred feet. Then he looked down at his body and found that there was a scar from his forehead on his body. One shot almost cut it in half.

"It's a pity!" Xiao Chen said with some regret, and at this moment, Feng Yu had already restored her body to integrity through the power of destruction. She cut off her hand last time, and now almost split her into two. If this were put on the general powerhouse, I am afraid it would be dead.

"Be careful, this kid has become stronger again!" Feng Yu said solemnly.

The other two Tiansha incarnations also looked at Xiao Chen a little solemnly. They had already suffered a loss, so naturally they did not dare to look down upon them.

"Is it useful to be careful?" Xiao Chen sneered, then faintly stretched out his hand and said, "Time and space are gone!"

As Xiao Chen’s voice fell, two black **** suddenly appeared, trapping the two Tiansha incarnations directly inside. This is the effect of the evolution of time and space annihilation. It used to be just a black hole, sucking the surrounding powerhouses into it, but facing When some super strong people are still very easy to get rid of gravity and escape.

But now that the time and space are annihilated, it can directly trap people in it.

Feng Yu looked at the two black **** in amazement, and at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly shook his right hand again, and the time and space shattering started, Feng Yu's entire body burst directly, and in the next moment, Feng Yu's figure condensed again.

"The gun is like a dragon!"

Just at this moment, a dragon roar sounded, and then the long dragon formed by the spear light passed directly through Feng Yu's body. The figure that Feng Yu had just condensed exploded again, and Xiao Chen appeared directly with the long dragon. In the power of destruction.

"Shen Huang's hand, **** this deity!" Xiao Chen opened his hands, and both hands used the Shen Huang's hand at the same time, and the force of destruction immediately entered Xiao Chen's body continuously.

The power of destruction condensed in an instant, condensing the figure of Feng Yu, but at this time Feng Yu had shrunk by half, and in such a short time, half of the power of destruction had been absorbed!

Feng Yu glanced at the two black balls, then looked at Xiao Chen, eyes full of solemnity.

"I can feel that you still have Feng Yu's soul, and you haven't completely transformed into the incarnation of the **** of heaven. I am a new generation of **** of earth, with the eyes of reincarnation, I can help you resurrect."

Xiao Chen looked at Feng Yu, and in the next moment, a spear in his hand pierced Feng Yu's body again. With a bang, Feng Yu's body once again turned into a force of destruction.

However, this time the power of destruction was not condensing Feng Yu's body, and Xiao Chen was not blocked in any way, and easily absorbed the remaining power of destruction.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged and began to absorb the destructive power in the refining body. At the same time, a group of soul was also sucked into Xiao Chen's body. Although the eyes of reincarnation merged with Xiao Chen's physical body, Its function has not been lost.

"Is Feng Yu dead?" Feng Ling looked at Feng Yu who had disappeared, feeling a little lost. From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, that is, several collisions, Feng Yu was defeated, and Xiao Chen had a way. Destroying the immortal body of Tiansha incarnation, it is no wonder Feng Yu would want to eradicate Xiao Chen at any cost.

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