Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3330: Three altars total attack!

At this time, in the two adjacent squads of the 28th squad, its captain, the Holy Guard, received a message that the strong team of the gods of the evil demon who had been fighting with them suddenly disappeared without a trace. , Only some weak soldiers remained, guarding the stronghold.

After receiving this news, the two sacred guards showed solemn expressions on their faces. While sending people to divide the base of the Tiansha Demon Cult, they sent people to search for the disappeared Tiansha Demon Cult.

At this time, within the scope of the 28th Division, Feng Ling was sitting in a large camp, and her expression suddenly changed.

The Phoenix clan is the ancestor of poultry, and all the birds and beasts in the world can become its eyes. She is also a believer who has been monitoring the demon cult of the gods by this method!

And just now, she suddenly discovered that a large number of strong demons of the evil spirits had appeared within the scope of the 28th division, which was very abrupt, and the leader was three incarnations of the evil spirits, one of which was Feng Yu.

It is already very difficult for one division to deal with the division led by the incarnation of the evil spirit. Now that there are three divisions of troops suddenly appearing, I am afraid that even persistence will not last long!

"Enemy attack!" Suddenly, a rapid and loud voice rang from the entire 28th Division. After hearing Feng Ling's voice, all the strong came out with a nervous expression.

It didn't take long for them to suddenly feel a powerful aura. Although they hadn't seen the powerhouse of the Demon Cult of Heaven, this aura had already changed their complexion.

"A lot of powerful auras, I'm afraid this is already more than a divisional force." Qi Shang said with a serious expression.

"It's not more than one division, but three divisions!" Qi Shang said solemnly by a strong man beside him.

"What, three divisions, **** it, how can there be three divisions, what do the other teams do?" Qi Shang's face changed drastically.

"My son, what shall we do?" the strong man said condensedly.

"What else can I do, the three divisions of troops can't fight with them at all, run quickly!" Qi Shang did not hesitate, and took Ke Feizhou and his people, quickly evacuated, without the slightest intention of fighting.

Many strong men watched Qishang and others retreat, and they hurriedly followed. Some people hesitated, not knowing whether to withdraw or to fight. The three strongest players have not yet arrived. The 28th Division has already Defeated!

Feng Ling appeared high in the air, feeling the situation in the team, and disappointment flashed in her eyes, but she also knew that the gods of the evil demon sect sent three sub-stages, and they did not have the power to fight at all. It would be better to keep a fresh army.

"Everyone in the twenty-eighth squadron follows the order and withdraw immediately!"

Hearing Feng Ling’s voice, those hesitating strong men also made up their minds in an instant and began to step back. Of course, some strong men with justice stood with Feng Ling, including Leng Aotian and his wife and the black bear. .

"Thank you all for living and dying with me!" Feng Ling said without looking back.

"Follow the lord to the death!" all the strong roared, with a tragic atmosphere!

Feng Ling stared straight ahead, and at this moment, a large number of Tiansha Demon Cultists appeared in her sight, and the leader in front was Feng Yu.

A large number of Tiansha Demon Cultists also appeared on both sides, and the two Tiansha incarnations were the leaders. The number of the entire Tiansha Demon Cult was far more than Feng Ling's.

With so many powerhouses of the Demon Cult of the Heavens gathered together, even Feng Ling, who was the sacred guard, felt tremendous pressure.

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