Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3326: History is written by the strong!

"White and black are naturally fair. You can't kill alliance fellows. As a member of the Dragon Clan, I have the right to deal with you and catch you with my hands. I can only punish the first evil, otherwise you will all die!"

Qi Shang said with a serious face.

"Hehe, in fact, this matter is very simple to solve, whether it is black or white, only the strong can evaluate it. Do you want to kill me or what do you want, come on!"

Xiao Chen said plainly, only the strong and the winner can judge whether it is black or white, and only the winner can write history!

"Very well, it seems you understand very well!" Qi Shang said lightly, then waved his hand, and a calm-breathed Mahayana double powerhouse came out!

"Suffer!" This Mahayana second-tier powerhouse is obviously a dragon, his body is full of dragon scales, his hands have also recovered his dragon claws, and one claw is aimed at Xiao Chen's head!


The next moment, Xiao Chen held a long spear and blocked the dragon claws of the second-tier Mahayana.

"Are you sure you want to do it indiscriminately?" Xiao Chen looked at Qi Shang and said.

"It's a big crime for you to kill fellow daoists, **** it!" Qi Shang said.

"Well, then don't blame me for being impolite!" Xiao Chen said. Then, he closed his eyes, and his breath became completely natural. With a spear in his hand, he lifted the claws of the dragon, and then suddenly stabbed. It has been pierced into the body of the second-tier Mahayana strong, even if the defense is strong dragon scales, it did not play any role.

"What's going on?" The face of the second-tier Mahayana was full of stunnedness. Everything happened between the electric light and flint. He didn't understand what was going on, so he was pierced by Xiao Chen!

The faces of the other powerhouses were full of horror, and the Mahayana double powerhouses of the dragon race were all shot with one shot. Who is this person?

A chill flashed in Qi Shang's eyes, staring at Xiao Chen, "You really dare to do it!"

"Why didn't you dare to do it?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"You are dead!" Qi Shang said with a murderous intent.

"I've heard these words more than a hundred times, but I'm still alive. If you can do it, just come!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You are not yet qualified to let me do it myself!" Qi Shang said coldly, waved, two strong men walked out behind him, and a powerful aura suddenly came from them. The terrifying pressure made the faces of all the strong men around change.

"Could this be the Mahayana Triple, what a terrifying coercion!"

"I am afraid that only the Dragon Clan can easily produce two Mahayana triples!"

"Are you three Mahayana powerful?" Xiao Chen was expressionless. Although he hadn't really killed the Mahayana triple powerhouse, he hadn't paid attention to the Mahayana triple powerhouse yet.

"Do it!" Qi Shang said coldly.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, a powerful pressure came, and a flame-filled figure slowly fell, it was Feng Ling!

After Feng Yu escaped, Feng Ling recovered for a while, but unexpectedly, during this period of time, there was a disorder in the alliance.

"Participate in the Lord of the Holy Guard!"

After seeing Feng Ling, everyone in Qishang including Qi Shang saluted respectfully, and Xiao Chen also slightly bowed his hands.

"What's happening here? What are you doing?" Feng Ling's gaze was full of majesty, and he swept around. Under Feng Ling's majestic gaze, everyone lowered their heads subconsciously.

"Enjoy Master Feng Ling, this person killed the fellow daoist, we are about to take it down!" Qi Shang pointed to Xiao Chen and said.

"You murdered?" Feng Ling looked at Xiao Chen with a bit of astonishment.

"It's just killing some worms in the alliance." Xiao Chen said.

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