Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3320: Feng Ling Feng Yu!

Leng Aotian was a little surprised. His wife also looked at Xiao Chen in surprise. Leng Aotian had heard of Xiao Chen's deeds a long time ago. He has always heard that his junior junior is very talented, and he knew what is strong at first sight today. The powerful Tiansha Demon Cult who had left him helpless was beaten to death by Xiao Chen, which is simply unimaginable.

"I didn't expect to see the senior brother and sister-in-law so soon, it is really a surprise, but what happened to the two people just now, why did they harm you?"

Xiao Chen thought of the two people just now, so he asked.

Hearing this, Leng Aotian's face showed anger, and when he thought of those two people, his heart suffocated. "I know those two people. In fact, before, there was a dude who was disrespectful to your sister-in-law, and I was taught. After a meal, I didn't expect that kid would hold such a grudge, he would not hesitate to play such a black hand!"

"Big brother, don't worry, in the battle against the evil demon sect, you can't keep these people. If you meet me next time, I will tell them that the evil sect can never be bullied. "

Xiao Chen said, his eyes flashed hostility, since he has become the Sect Master of the Earth Sha, he is absolutely forbidden to be treated such unfairly to the Sha Sect disciples.

"This... Sect Master, that kid is not very good, but his brother-in-law is the strongest one in the Dragon Clan, which is somewhat difficult to deal with!" Leng Aotian was startled, he did not doubt Xiao Chen's attitude, it was just him I also don't want to let the Shazong get into trouble.

"I'll take care of this matter. Now let's help the other powerhouses of the Earth Shazong to solve this battle!" Xiao Chen said, and then a powerful force of destruction emerged in his body, Heaven Shaman, Earth Shaman, and Tian Shaman The avatar can use the destructive power in his body to enhance the strength of other strong people, and he can also do this. The way the Tiansha avatar enhances the strength is equivalent to pulling out the seed!

And his way to enhance the strength of other strong people is equivalent to gaining weight, and then, the destructive power of Xiao Chen's body fell on all the strong people of the evil sect, and the power consumed in their bodies was instantly filled!

"Black bear, follow them and protect them!"

Xiao Chen gave an order and rushed directly to the depths of the battlefield. He felt a familiar breath.

At this time in the depths of the battlefield, a sacred guard of the Phoenix race was fighting fiercely with an incarnation of the **** of heaven. The Phoenix flame burned half of the sky, and the flame temperature was extremely high, but it was unable to completely burn the incarnation of the **** of heaven.

The battle has been at a stalemate, and the fiery red phoenix flames and black destructive powers continue to collide.

"Hahaha, Feng Ling, we are also old friends, Lord Tiansha must rule the heart of the wild, why should you resist stubbornly, it is better to take refuge in the Lord Tiansha, let us serve the Lord of the evil, and we will rule the heart of the wild together? Not happy!"

The incarnation of Tiansha urged destruction while persuading.

"Feng Yu, I really didn't expect that you turned out to be the incarnation of the evil spirit. I have always regarded you as a sister. I even wanted to introduce you to the holy guard. Why are you the incarnation of the evil spirit!"

Feng Ling said with a bit of pain, she and Feng Yu belong to the Phoenix family, and they have a very good relationship. They have always been commensurate with sisters, but suddenly one day, Feng Yu suddenly became the incarnation of the **** of heaven, and the two were completely opposed. .

"It's not for me to decide." A trace of sadness flashed in Feng Yu's eyes, but soon it was replaced by indifference.

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