Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3315: Xiao Chen's gun!


The eleven Mahayana powerhouses stared at Xiao Chen coldly, a terrorist crisis firmly locked Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at the eleven strong men, without fear, tension, or solemnity, his face was very calm, and then he closed his eyes lightly and grabbed it with one hand.

Seeing Xiao Chen closing his eyes, the middle-aged man's face suddenly sank. He felt that Xiao Chen hadn't put him in his eyes at all, and suddenly felt that he was greatly humiliated!

"Kill!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and all eleven shot at the same time. Eleven disappeared in an instant. When they reappear, they have appeared in different directions in Xiao Chen. The eleven contained terrifying power. The next moment, eleven Dao attacks all fell on Xiao Chen.

It was not until the eleven attacks were about to fall on Xiao Chen that Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with deep gazes, the spear in his hand was swept around his body, and the next eleven attacks were all transformed by Xiao Chen's spear. For the fog!

"How is it possible!" A brief look of consternation appeared on the middle-aged people and others' faces. That was eleven attacks, and they were not ordinary attacks, but attacks from eleven Mahayana powerhouses, and three of them were Mahayana triples. Attack of the strong.

Eleven people attacked at the same time, even if the Mahayana triple powerhouse had to stand up, how could it be easily fogged?

It's just that they showed a brief look of consternation, but Xiao Chen didn't. A spear light flashed past, Xiao Chen's foot was a little bit, and the spear stabbed in his hand. Then everyone discovered to a shock that Xiao Chen had already appeared in the body of a Mahayana double powerhouse. Before, the spear in his hand has given the opponent a chill!

No one discovered how Xiao Chen made the move, so that he was pierced by Xiao Chen without any precautions. What made everyone unbelievable was that the strong man pierced by Xiao Chen belonged to the Hualong clan. It is amazing, even if the dragon body is not restored, it is impossible to easily break the defense, not to mention the direct chill!

"You dare to kill the strong man of my Hualong clan, you don't want to live anymore?" the middle-aged man said angrily.

"Can you be a bit new? Just come over and just use these two sentences. What you say is not annoying, and the deity is a little impatient when you hear it. The deity has said that if you want to come back and forth, you will never go back. Either fight, stop talking nonsense!"

Xiao Chen drew out his spear, and the body of the strong Hualong clan slowly lay on the ground, with astonishment and unwillingness on his face!

"You!" The middle-aged man's face is terrifying cold, or go away? Either fight? It goes without saying that there is only war. If they run away, wouldn't their Hualong clan lose all their faces.

"Roar!" The middle-aged man let out a roar in his throat, directly regaining the real body of the flower dragon. Seeing this, the other flower dragons and Sirius also regained their true body. Suddenly, several flower dragons hovered above Xiao Chen's head. , Several Sirius constantly shuttled through the void, staring at Xiao Chen viciously.

"Hualong roars!"

The voice of the middle-aged man came out, several flower dragons roared at Xiao Chen, and then a series of poisonous dragons breathed down at Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen watched the breath of the poisonous dragon. A little bit below his feet, the human spear united and rushed directly towards the breath of the poisonous dragon. The next moment, Xiao Chen's figure penetrated the breath of the poisonous dragon, and then a bright spear light illuminated the sky, and then Xiao Chen's figure passed through the breath of the poisonous dragon, and through the huge body of a flower dragon, directly into the air.

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