Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3306: Cruelty!


At this moment, an angry dragon roar sounded, and then a flower dragon appeared above the wolf clan territory, staring at Xiao Chen below with indifferent eyes, full of killing intent, and this flower dragon is not someone else, it is to restore the truth. Long broken body.

"Is this really a dragon? Does the dragon still have this color? It looks like a grass snake." Xiao Chen vomited.

"Boss, you don't understand, this flower dragon is really the product of the mating of the dragon clan and the snake clan. It can only be regarded as a hybrid dragon, but the ancestor of the flower dragon has made great contributions and was included in the dragon clan." Faintly explained.

"It turned out to be only a hybrid dragon in the dragon clan. A hybrid dragon dared to hit my wife's attention. It really did not live or die." Xiao Chen sneered.

And after hearing the three words "hybrid dragon", the children of the wolf tribe instantly felt cold, but they knew that the flower dragon was in the line of dragons and they most hated others who classified them into the line of hybrid dragons.

Sure enough, at this time, Long Duan's eyes could almost spit out fire, and he opened his mouth and breathed out, and the breath still contained violent toxins.

Xiao Chen faintly stretched out his hand, and the Nether Fire spewed out, enveloping the entire breath. With only a moment's effort, Dragon Broken's toxin breath had been burned clean by the Nether Fire.

Long Duanlong's eyes flashed hostility, and the huge dragon tail shot directly at Xiao Chen. The powerful wind pressed the surrounding wolf clan children back continuously.


The mountain shook for a while, raising a piece of dust, but after the dust passed, everyone was shocked to find that the broken tail of the dragon was caught by Xiao Chen with one hand. Then in the shocked eyes of everyone, Xiao Chen was holding the dragon with one hand. The tail, treating the broken dragon as a long snake, fell to and fro on the ground, and there was a rhythmic thumping sound from the entire wolf clan territory.

Long Duan was stunned by the fall, Qin Yongsheng was dumbfounded, and even forgot to stop it, Qin Zhuo looked dumbfounded, the Dragon Clan's child was completely abused!

After a rhythmic fall, Xiao Chen threw Long Duan to the ground. Long Duan gradually recovered his body. Looking at Xiao Chen, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"How about, do you want to come?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Boy, who are you?" Long Duanqiang held back the trace of fear in his heart and shouted sharply.

"Who am I? You don't have the right to know, get out, oh yes, I advise you before you get out, don't try to get revenge on us, because then you will definitely suffer."

Xiao Chen smiled faintly.

"I remember you!" Long Duan gave Xiao Chen a deadly glance, then glanced at other people, and even stared at Qin Yongsheng fiercely, and then left here a little embarrassed.

Qin Yongsheng looked at Long Duan's eyes and immediately knew it was broken. It seemed that Long Duan had hated them too, and if the Dragon Clan retaliated, they would not be able to stop it.

"You are too impulsive, that's Long Duan. Offending him is equivalent to offending the Dragon Clan, that's a powerful Dragon Clan!" Qin Yongsheng looked at Xiao Chen and the others with a wry smile.

"The mere dragons, we haven't paid attention to it yet. We have also lost a lot of time here, and we should leave!" Xiao Chen said, the voice fell, and Qin Yongsheng ignored Qin Yongsheng and left with others.

"Young Master, what can we do?" A wolf clan expert looked at Qin Yongsheng, worried.

"I'm going to discuss the matter with the patriarch, and I must not let Long Duanji hate my wolf clan, otherwise my wolf clan will be over!" Qin Yongsheng's voice fell and he had already left here.

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