Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3288: Shocking collision!

"Damn, you dare to desecrate the remains of your old friends, you are really damned!" Xuanwu condensed a phantom, standing on Xuanwu's head, looking at the three skeletons, their bodies trembling because of anger.

"Senior, what's going on?" Xiao Chen appeared beside Xuanwu and said in a deep voice.

"These three skeletons are the real bodies of the old contemporaries, Qinglong, Baihu, and Suzaku. They were just dead in that catastrophe. The old man buried their bodies around the Falling Sea, but now they are damned by these. The incarnation of Tiansha dug out, and the old body cannot treat them."

Xuanwu gritted his teeth.

Hearing that, Xiao Chen Yining, a friend of Xuanwu's contemporaries, coupled with this huge coercion, these corpses are likely to be Tier 9 powerhouses before they were alive, so even if there are only skeletons left, their power is huge.

"Is this the trump card of the incarnation of the Tiansha to deal with the predecessors!" Xiao Chen muttered. He could see that the reason why these skeletons can move is due to the destructive power in the bones. As long as these destructive powers are absorbed, These bones are not to be feared, but looking at nearly twenty incarnations of the gods, how could he easily complete it.

And just when Xuanwu was extremely angry, the incarnation of Tiansha had already urged three huge bones, directly ramming her body.

"The ice luan of the condensed formation is destroyed in all directions!"

"The Kunpeng of the ten directions will be destroyed!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded from Xuanwu's body, and Xiao Chen heard it. It was Chu Yunmeng's voice.

And as her voice fell, ten types of light beams appeared on Xuanwu's body. Then, these light beams gathered together, and then a huge ice-luan was condensed, and with a whistling sound, he had gone to the Suzaku and opened his mouth. A squirt, a biting chill breath, directly ice-sealed Suzaku's bones.

After Bingluan appeared, ten beams of light condensed into a huge Kunpeng, Kunpeng spread its wings, unknown to hundreds of thousands of miles, appeared directly above the bones of the Qinglong, the two claws stepped on the bones of the Qinglong under the feet!

"Xuanwu, Bai Hu will leave it to you to solve it!" Chu Yunmeng's voice sounded again.

"Thank you for your help!" Xuanwu said gratefully, and then directly controlled the entire Xiaoyao Island and collided with the bones of the white tiger.

The six behemoths fought instantly over the fallen sea. Each collision was like the end of the world. Every collision was impacting the hearts of all the strong men. At this time, all the strong men looked at the six behemoths and souls that collided. Shocked so much, they even forgot to breathe, even if most of them are rank eight powerhouses, but at this time they still feel that they are insignificant and seem like a worm.

"Xiao Chen, the power of destruction is immortal, and these bones will not stop. You must find a way to completely solve the incarnation of Tiansha."

The voice of Chu Yunmeng sounded in Xiao Chen's mind. Xiao Chen looked at the six behemoths that were constantly colliding. He knew that it was impossible for these behemoths to tell the winner, and the bones of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger and Vermillion Bird consumed the power of destruction. If the incarnation is not eliminated, the power of destruction will not disappear, and they will always be able to fight.

But Bingluan and Kunpeng were gathered by Chu Yunmeng and the others with their primordial power, and they will always run out.

And the key to this battle was the battle between Xiao Chen and the incarnation of Tiansha.

But Xiao Chen only had one, and there were nearly twenty Tiansha incarnations, and each of them was no less powerful than the peak of Hedao. Does he really have a chance to win?

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