Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3280: Time and space are gone!

Hearing Xiao Chen's laughter, Old Sage Yi's expression became even more ugly, and he said gloomily, "Even if it's just two mountains and two mountains, it's easy to kill you."

"Hahaha, who wouldn't speak big words, but looking at the current situation, all the rest are my enemies. Since they are enemies, it is natural to act first!"

Xiao Chen smiled, and immediately after that, a horrible killing intent emerged from him.

"Time and space are gone!"

As Xiao Chen’s voice fell, black holes suddenly appeared in the coalition army. Then, with the black hole as the center, everything around was collapsing, and then it was sucked into the black hole and disappeared. Moreover, as the surrounding area collapsed, the black hole became more and more Come bigger.

Those coalition forces did not react at all, they were sucked into by the black hole and the warships, and were directly shattered by the black hole. They never came out again. Suddenly, a series of screams rang out from the coalition forces, just a moment, nearly a million Most of the army was sucked into it, and only a few strong, and quick-reacting strong, escaped from the black hole.

On Xiaoyao Island, Shuang Wushuang, Lu Zhengzhou and others, looked up at the five huge black holes above Xiaoyao Island, their faces pale with fright, although the scene in front of them did not smell of blood, but it was more terrifying than full of blood.

That is a large army of nearly a million, and they are all strong, just like this, and more than half of them died. Is this still human can do?

The other disciples of Hualing Xianshan and Hengling Xianshan looked at the black hole, panting heavily. They are now very grateful for the choice of the two mountain masters, otherwise with their strength, they will never escape.

Fortunately, there are not only them, but also the powerhouses who have just retreated thousands of miles away. They are also blue-faced, not because of anger, but by being scared.

"It deserves to be the time and space annihilation obtained by killing thousands of sea beasts. It is simply outrageous." Xiao Chen glanced at the large amount of crater value that suddenly appeared on his body. He was slightly excited. Time and space annihilation and time and space smash are both big. Killing weapons, but the scope of time and space annihilation is lighter, and time and space smashing is more violent and bloody.

"Old Sage Yi, the miscellaneous fish have been cleaned up, and you are the next step!" Xiao Chen looked at Old Sage Yi and the other strong men who survived, coldly said, killing intent raging.

"Damn it!" Yi Gu Sheng gritted his teeth. The others first glanced at the black hole that stopped expanding with lingering fear, and then looked at Xiao Chen, with expressions of fear and jealousy on his face, as well as undisguised anger and killing intent. .

Xiao Chen killed so many people at once, and he has completely become deadly enemies with them!

"Kill!" Old Sage Yi almost gritted his teeth and yelled out, and then everyone else stared at Xiao Chen, anger and killing intent exploded.

"Let's help the little brother Xiao Chen." Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhaozao looked at each other. Two eighth-tier high-ranking experts, nearly 20 people, came to Xiao Chen's side and stared at the surrounding experts cautiously.

Boom boom boom!

But at this moment, a powerful breath suddenly came in the distance, and then everyone discovered that the battleship of the tomb of war had turned here again, and then the powerhouses of the tomb of war, one by one, jumped out of the warship and came to nearby.

Xiao Chen looked at the strong man in Zhan Ling for a moment, then a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Zhanling, have you decided to take action?" Old Sage Yi frowned and glanced at the people of Zhanling.

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