Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3278: Gamble!

The strong on Xiaoyao Island couldn’t help swallowing, looking at Xiao Chen, couldn’t say a word, was the villain’s island including the island owner and many powerful elders killed by a kid like this? ?

"It really wasted a lot of time. Next, what do you plan to do, do you continue to attack, or run away with your tail?" Xiao Chen looked at Yi Xiucheng and the others, and said lightly. Said it as if nothing happened.

The faces of Yi Xiucheng and the others were a little heavy, Xiao Chen's strength was beyond their imagination, and seeing Xiao Chen's posture, it was completely useless.

"No matter how strong a person is, his strength is limited. Even if he can absorb long-range attacks, there must be a limit. Then everyone will attack together, so he can't absorb it!"

Suddenly an unusually serious voice rang from the joint army battleship, and as this voice fell, a command sound came from the joint army, and then one after another battleships rose into the air and appeared around Xiaoyao Island.

One after another came out from the battleship, surrounded by the battleship, looking at Xiaoyao Island and Xiao Chen indifferently, at a glance, the number is endless, at least as many as a million, and most of them are all Tier 8. If so many people attack at the same time, I am afraid that the entire Xiaoyao Island will be sunk.

"It's troublesome now." Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and then shouted: "I said you all will be enemies with me? Is there no one who wants to cooperate with me?"

"Boy, it's too ugly." The voice rang again.

"Is there?" Xiao Chen said lightly. Although he felt a little troublesome, it didn't mean he was afraid.

"Get ready to do it." The voice sounded again.

"Wait, I Hualing Xianshan is willing to cooperate with Xiao Chen!"

"I, Hengling Xianshan, are also willing to cooperate with Xiao Chen!"

At this moment, two voices suddenly sounded, and then the warships from Hualing Xianshan and Hengling Xianshan sailed directly towards Xiao Chen and came near Xiao Chen, followed by Shuang Wushuang, Shuang Bai, Shuang Lily, Lu Zhengzhou and others, All fell around Xiao Chen.

"Brother Xiao!" Shuangbai smiled.

"Brother Shuangbai." Xiao Chen nodded with a smile.

"Little brother Xiao Chen!" Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhangjiao also said hello, and at the same time they looked at Xiao Chen's eyes, full of admiration. How long has it been that Xiao Chen has been so strong, I am afraid now Xiao Chen alone could suppress any force in the Five Sacred Mountains, and he was indeed a disciple of Venerable Xihai.

"Xiao Chen has seen two seniors." Xiao Chen replied. Although I don't know why the two chose to stand on his side, he can choose to stand with him in this situation. He will remember this kindness. living.

"Shuang Wushuang, Lu Zhangjiao, what do you mean?" The voice sounded again, but it was a little gloomy and angry.

"Sorry, we didn't know in advance that it was the little brother Xiao Chen who was going to deal with. The master of the little brother Xiao Chen is kind to us, and we cannot be ungrateful."

Shuang Wushuang said in a deep voice. To put it bluntly, Shuang Wushuang chose to stand on Xiao Chen's side only when he looked at the mysterious Venerable Xihai and the talented Xiao Chen. He knew this was an unprecedented gamble.

If the gambling is won, Hualing Fairy Mountain and Hengling Fairy Mountain will soar into the sky. If the gambling is lost, it will be forever. Even Hualing Fairy Mountain and Hengling Fairy Mountain will no longer exist.

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