Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3271: The goal is Xiao Chen!

Yixun said in a deep voice that he had doubted when he got the news, but when the news from each spy was the same, even he had to be cautious.

"Then what should we do now, can we only wait for death?" An elder said in despair.

The other elders also have despair on their faces. Without the protection of the large sea beasts, the villain's island is a big cake. Whoever wants to cut a piece can do it.

"I remember the kid before, saying that he is the owner of this island. Since something like this has happened, let him solve it." Yixun said in a deep voice after thinking about it.

"Are we pinning all our hopes on a kid who doesn't know the details?" an elder asked.

"Of course not. We have to be prepared with both hands. As the saying goes, dead daoists do not die and poor dao. As long as we can live, how about the villain's island in the hands of the three mountains and five mountains? What does the life and death of other people have to do with us?" Soundtrack.

"What does the island owner mean?" an elder asked puzzledly.

"I decided to send someone to talk to the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains in exchange for the lives of other people on the Evil Island in exchange for our chance to survive. I hope you can support my decision and we can all survive by then."

Yixun said solemnly, then his eyes swept across the room, his eyes flashed with killing intent, obviously as long as someone disagrees, he would kill the opponent without hesitation.

"People don't kill themselves, just do it!"

Immediately, the elder agreed, and soon, all the elders in the room agreed.

At this time, the general public on the villain island were happy because they had escaped last time. They had no idea that a new round of disaster had come, and the upper layers of villain island were ready to sacrifice them and let themselves survive.

After Yixun forced all the elders to take a poisonous oath, he came to the courtyard and prepared to summon Xiao Chen, but he didn't get a response.

At this time, in the depths of the Fallen Sea, Xiao Chen had just killed a large group of sea beasts, and the shadow of Xuanwu appeared on the tortoise shell, and the Xuanwu general Yixun and the others had all planned things out, presumably Yixun and the others did not. I would think that Alcatraz Island is alive, and their every move is under the supervision of Xuanwu.

"The three mountains and five sacred mountains are united again, and even the three seas of the four seas have participated, and the sea clan has gained mysterious power. Could it be..." Xiao Chen thought of the incarnation of the **** of heaven for the first time, if so. , Then the purpose of the coalition forces this time is probably not Xiaoyao Island, but him. Then the master behind this attack must be the incarnation of the gods.

"Since the incarnation of Tiansha knows your existence and dares to attack, it must be prepared, and you must also be prepared." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"The evil spirit incarnate? The old man has seen their methods. The old man may not be able to help much this time. This crisis can only be overcome by a few adults."

Xuanwu said in a deep voice, as Xiao Chen said, the incarnation of Tiansha already knew of her existence and dared to attack. That only means that there is a way to deal with her.

"Well, I see, Senior Troublemaker is always paying attention to the movements of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains Army. I will return in a few days." Xiao Chen said.

"Don't worry, by the way, the tortoise shell in the hands of the adult came off the old body. As long as the adult wants to go back and contact the old body, the old body can directly take the adult back." Xuanwu said.

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