Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3248: The Fallen Sea!

"What kind of cultivation technique does he cultivate, and the speed at which he absorbs elemental power is even faster than the eighth-order powerhouse, and with this rising power, who is he?"

But at this moment, Obsidian suddenly felt a sea breeze, and his expression suddenly shrank, and then looked forward, the shadow of a sea of ​​ocean had appeared in his sight.

"Have you entered the territory of the villainous island?"

Xiao Chen said lightly, I don't know when, he has stopped his cultivation, and came to Obsidian, looking at the ocean that appeared in front of him, there is only one feeling, that is, the magnificent waves.

"This sea domain is called the Falling Sea. The Villain’s Island is right in the center of the sea. In the Falling Sea, there are many powerful sea beasts. Although these sea beasts are not very intelligent, they are all giants and possess very strong powers. Defense."

Obsidian introduced: "These sea beasts almost eat at the sight of people. It is also because of these sea beasts, the Three Mountains and the Five Sacred Mountains that there is no way to attack the villain's island on a large scale.

"Willman Island has a natural defense."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, and just as they spoke, they had already entered the Fallen Sea. After entering the Fallen Sea, Xiao Chen felt a strong force of gravity, and the battleship fell directly on the sea and turned into a sea. ferry.

"This is also one of the reasons why it is impossible to attack the island of the villain on a large scale. Even if you pass through the void, you can only travel a short distance, and it is extremely laborious.

Obsidian Road.

"Good gravity, if you fight in this state, you can definitely increase your physical strength." Excitement flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.

Obsidian was very speechless at once. Generally, the strong men who first came to the Fallen Sea would know that they could not exert their full strength after feeling this gravity, and then they would feel nervous, hoping not to meet the sea beasts and pass safely.

And he didn't expect that Xiao Chen would actually feel excited, this is really a fighting lunatic, I am afraid it is also because of this, Xiao Chen will have such a strong combat power.

"I haven't seen a sea beast yet, so looking forward to it!"

At this moment, Mu Wanping and the three also walked out of the cabin, and Mu Wanping was also excited.

Obsidian rolled his eyes, and then, Obsidian rolled his eyes again. This Mu Wanping was really a crow's mouth. At this time, in front of the battleship, the sea was surging, and then a huge sea beast with a bull's head and a giraffe neck. Appeared in front of the battleship.

The size of this sea beast is enough to top several warships, and with its huge mouth open, it wants to swallow the warship in one bite.

"Fortunately, it's only Tier 7!" Feeling the breath of the sea beast, Obsi breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to do it, but found that Mu Wanping had already come to him with a look of excitement.

"Is this a sea beast, I want to do it myself."

When she was speaking, the golden sword had appeared in her hands, and then it was directly transformed into dozens of golden swords, which were cut on the sea beast.

But after a bang, the Golden Sword, an eighth-order magic weapon, did not leave any damage to the sea beast, but instead angered the sea beast.

This sea beast roared, as if the entire fallen sea was shaking, and the harsh sound almost shook Xiao Chen's eardrums. In desperation, he hurriedly blocked the sound with his original strength.

After the sound, the sea beast has continued to bite the battleship. Obsidian has a spear in his hand. He was about to do it, but saw a figure that has appeared right in front of the sea beast. A powerful punch directly hit the sea beast's head. .

Suddenly the head resembling a mountain, like a watermelon, split directly!

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