Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3229: conspiracy!


"Because the person you are looking for is in the brothel." Quan Tianyuan said.

"The brothel?" After hearing that, the three of Xiao Chen frowned slightly. Xiao Chen was a little confused about whether the news Quan Tianyuan said was true or false, or simply wanted to kill him alone.

But whether it is true or conspiracy, he has to check it out.

"If it is a brothel, the two of you are really not suitable to go, I can go alone." Xiao Chen said.

"Good." Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian nodded. Although they also knew that Quan Tianyuan had no good intentions, they were not worried about Xiao Chen at all.

Xiao Chen left with Quan Tianyuan and the others. What Xiao Chen didn't expect was that Quan Tianyuan actually took him to a brothel.

"The people are inside." Quan Tianyuan led Xiao Chen to the door of a room.

Xiao Chen took a deep look at Quan Tianyuan, and he didn't understand what Quan Tianyuan wanted to do. Then, Xiao Chen opened the door and walked in.

In the room, there was a woman, or a girl, when she heard the voice, she raised her head and revealed a delicate face, but her face was flushed.

"It's not Gu Xuanxuan." Xiao Chen's face sank.

"She's in something wrong, and there's something wrong in this room."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but soon he realized that the girl in front of him had been taken with a love potion, and the room was also full of love potions.

"What does Quan Tianyuan mean?"

Xiao Chen couldn't understand a little bit. What did Quan Tianyuan want to do when he brought him to this room. Suddenly, Xiao Chen thought of a certain bridge on the earth, and suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

"No way."

Immediately, Xiao Chen shook his head again. This is the world of Wu Xiu, and it is not an idol drama. How can such a stage appear? The most urgent thing is to detoxify the girl in front of him.

Xiao Chen bought a universal detoxification pill in the Kengyuan Value Mall and fed it to the girl. Then, with a wave of his hand, the Nether Fire appeared, and directly burned all the love potions in the room.

The girl gradually returned to normal, and then stared at Xiao Chen with eyes like copper bells, her eyes full of curiosity and said, "Are you a man?"

"Why do you ask?" Xiao Chen was a little confused.

"If you were a man, and you met a cute girl like me, or a girl who got that kind of medicine, shouldn't you be the first to pounce on it? How can you detoxify me kindly? You are not a man, or Say you can't?"

The girl asked in surprise.

But what she said almost made Xiao Chen spoil her. How could this girl's head grow, and how could such words come out.

"You think too much, I'm just not interested in a girl like you who is ugly and shapeless."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Who do you think is ugly and has no body? What kind of vision do you really appreciate? I am Mu Wanping who is known as the number one beautiful girl in the Three Mountains and Five Mountains!" the girl said in dissatisfaction.

"It's you?" Xiao Chen glanced at Mu Wanping disdainfully. Although Mu Wanping was a beautiful girl, she was far from being number one.

"What's your expression?" Mu Wanping said angrily.

"Didn't you see it? Just disdain and return the first beautiful girl? I'll let you see what a real beauty is." Xiao Chen said.

"Well, I want to see what a real beauty is. If I can't satisfy me, I will beat you up." Mu Wanping refused.

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