Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3226: Frosty Lily's crazy!

"Of course welcome, but you have to change a name, after all, the names of Lu Qianqian and Shuang Qingxuan are too loud." Xiao Chen said.

"What's the name?"

"From now on you will call Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Okay!" The second girl smiled.

"The two of you are going to the villain's island with him. The villain's island is very dangerous, and the various forces on Alcatraz's island are very hostile to the people of the three mountains and five mountains. Going to the villain's island is too dangerous."

At this moment, Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhaoliang came over.

"Ancestor, we fell in love with Xiao Chen at first sight. The two of us discussed it and decided to marry him together, to marry a chicken and a dog, a dog and a dog. Since Xiao Chen is going to the villainous island, we naturally want to go to the villainous island."

Shuang Qingxuan, no, Mu Qingxuan said.

"Old ancestor, I mean the same!"

Lu Qianqian, no, Chang Qianqian also said.


But the words of the two of them directly shocked the people around them. Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhangjiao were stunned, and Shuang Bai and Shuang Lily were also stunned.

"No, you only met him once, and you were kidnapped by him. Fortunately, I wanted to introduce him to you before." Shuang Wushuang now has a kind of cabbage that has finally been raised by pigs. feel.

The same is true for Lu Zhaoliang. They have great hopes for the two daughters. Although they have always hoped that they will find a good home, but when the facts are in front of them, there are many reluctances.

"Don't worry, you two, as long as I Xiao Chen is alive, I will never let them have an accident. I am afraid that Li Shang will make a comeback and be implicated in Hualing Immortal Mountain, so I will go to the villain island.

Xiao Chen promised, patting his chest.

"You must protect both of them. If there is any problem with them, even if you are a disciple of Venerable Xihai, we will not let you go!"

Lu Zhengzhou threatened that although they recognized Xiao Chen's strength, there was still a threat that should be there.

"I will do it."

Xiao Chen said, and then looked at Frost White and Frost Lily: "Big sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I will take Qingxuan away. The green hills will not change to the long stream of green water. We have the fate to see each other. By the way, there is also the Thunder White Eagle. Follow you as a gift from me."

"Everyone, say goodbye!" Xiao Chen arched his hands, and then took Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian to their feet and left.

"Let's go!" Shuang Wushuang and Lu Zhengzhou said with emotion.

"Xiao Chen, you bastard, bastard, I asked you to abduct Lu Qianqian, but didn't let you abduct my sister, you bastard, return my sister!"

Frost Lily's frantic roar resounded throughout the Hualing Mountain.

"Lily, you should wake up. I want to compare with Brother Xiao, you are far behind." Shuang Bai said, but Shuang Lily didn't listen.

"My ancestor, the disciple wants to be the young master of Hualing Immortal Mountain, and the disciple has to marry the white eagle. She is also a thunder attribute, which is of great benefit to my cultivation. Starting today, I will not be running away, I will take care of Hua The responsibility of Young Master Ling!"

Shuangbai looked at Shuang Wushuang and said loudly.

But his words changed everyone's complexion, and Shuang Jiayu's complexion was even more ugly.

"But now the position of Young Master is Jiayu?"

"One month later, I will challenge Shuang Jiayu to the Young Master." Shuang Bai said firmly. Although he didn't spend much time with Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen's tenacious will and strong fighting spirit also affected him. .

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