Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3198: Thunder White Eagle!

Three days later, Xiao Chen and his group appeared on the periphery of a mountain range, which was already on the periphery of the Five Sacred Abyss, with dense jungles and Yuan beasts rampant.

Frost Bai apparently had a plan, and there were no stops along the way, until they reached an area full of thunderous atmosphere, Frosty and the others stopped.

"Brother Xiao, this is the nest of the eighth-order Yuanbeast Thunder White Eagle. Our task this time is to catch the Bo Thunder White Eagle."

"Thunder White Eagle?" Xiao Chen was slightly surprised. The Thunder White Eagle is a famous elementary beast in the Thunder attribute. It has two heads and can release two powerful thunders, red and black. Red thunder can confuse the mind, and black thunder is corrosive. Sex can directly cause a double blow to the strong, soul and body.

"It's not easy to capture the Thunder White Eagle," Xiao Chen said.

"We have a special magic weapon. What Brother Xiao has to do is to be optimistic about the Thunder White Eagle, don't let it run away!"

Frost Baidao was clearly prepared.

"I understand." Xiao Chen nodded.

Soon, Frost White rushed directly into the territory of the Thunder White Eagle. After feeling the unfamiliar breath, a breath of thunder and violence suddenly spread. Then, a large white eagle with its wings spread out for a full kilometer appeared. In front of everyone.

"Small human beings dare to break into the realm of the deity, knowing nothing about life and death!"

Thunder Baidiao uttered words, and then, two heads gave birth to black thunder and red thunder at the same time. The next moment, two thunderballs with a diameter of several kilometers, spit out frost white.

The range of the thunderball was too wide. Frost Bai was directly hit, and he was paralyzed and froze in place. At this moment, the Thunder White Eagle had already swooped down against Frost Bai and opened his big mouth. Frosty swallowed in one bite.

"Do it!"

However, at this moment, Frost Bai suddenly yelled, and then ten eighth-tier powerhouses appeared in different directions of Thunder White Eagle, and chains engraved with runes appeared in their hands at the same time. Then ten people shot at the same time. He directly tied the Thunder White Eagle and pulled it violently. The Thunder White Eagle struggled for a long time, turned into a human body, and was firmly locked by a chain.

"Thunder White Eagle, this is a chain that can restrain the power of Thunder. You can't escape anymore, surrender, but spare your life!"

Frost White looked at the white eagle of Thunder that had turned into a human body, and shouted coldly.

"Despicable human beings use such despicable means, but you don't want to let the deity surrender."

The body that Lei Ting white carved into is a female, and her appearance is not bad, but her face is full of anger at this time.

"Since you don't surrender, then hit you!" Shuang Bai yelled coldly, and was about to do it, when suddenly a chuckle came.

"Shuangbai, treat beautiful women, don't be too rough!" As the chuckle fell, a group of people appeared in the air, looking at Shuangbai sternly.

"Yu Ye!" Shuang Bai frowned, his face suddenly sank, and said coldly: "Why are you here?"

"You can be here, why can't I be here?" The headed youth smiled lightly, and the lineup of this group of people is not weaker than Frost White's lineup.

"Yu Ye, I have something to do, so I don't have time to deal with you, hurry up!" Shuang Bai said coldly, obviously not dealing with the youth in front of me!

"This can't work, I want this Thunder White Eagle too, so I can only grab it!"

Yu Ye smiled, the next moment, he directly attacked Frost White, and the others also attacked Frost White's crew separately, and did not leave any hands.

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