Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3190: Xiao Chen fights Frost White!

I can see his strength at a glance, and he is so indifferent. Generally, there are only two situations, one is bluffing, and the other is the strength to oppose him, but no matter what the situation is, just give it a try.

The three of Shuangbai Xiao Chen returned to the martial arts field again. The people around the martial arts field had not disappeared. When they saw Xiao Chen and Shuang Bai walking on the martial arts field, they all showed their doubts.

"Ending?" Shuangbai smiled.

"You are free, please!" Xiao Chen made a gesture of please.

"Are they going to compete?"

"Who is this kid, dare to compete with Master Shuangbai!"

"What's a joke, this kid is just a god, what qualifications does he have to compete with the young master!"

There was an uproar in the surrounding audience. Frost Bai is the eldest master of the Shuang family. He has an unattainable status and never ends easily. He is a district, so he is not qualified to compete with Frost Bai on the same stage.

"Then I'm welcome!" Shuangbai smiled, the voice fell, and the whole person suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he had already come to Xiao Chen, and his speed was extremely fast.

"A little bit colder!"

Frost Bai's storm-like fists had already landed on Xiao Chen. In the beginning, Shuang Bai had already used secret skills.

Xiao Chen looked at the violent fist like a storm, smiled in his eyes, and quickly said: "Desperately protect your face!"

In the next moment, Frosty's fists had already fallen on Xiao Chen's arms, and the thumping sound resounded through the martial arts field.

"What is your kid doing?" Shuangbai said.

"You also asked me if you are jealous of my handsome appearance, and greet me on my face when you shoot." Xiao Chen looked at Shuangbai through the gap.

"You ugly and stupid uncle, don't be narcissistic, okay!" Shuang Lily on the high platform despised.

Both Shuang Bai and Xiao Chen ignored Shuang Lily, but a little bit below Shuang Bai's feet, the person had already arrived in midair, and then swooped down, whistling with terrifying power on their fists.

"Well, take this opportunity to try to regroup the real power behind the flesh!" Xiao Chen stepped on his feet suddenly, and the martial arts field instantly broke into spider webs. Xiao Chen ejected like a cannonball, and then was in midair. A punch with Frost White!


The fierce collision resounded, and the strong wind rolled away from the surroundings. The audience around the martial arts venue was constantly retreating under the strong wind, with shock in their eyes.

"Hahaha, Xiao Chen, I only used 50% of my strength with this punch, and you have to be careful with the next punch!"

The two of Frost White separated instantly, Frost White laughed, and already punched again, the momentum exuding from his fists was extremely shocking.

"Although come, who flinches, who is the puppy!"

Xiao Chen laughed loudly and greeted him. The two punched again in mid-air, the fists were raging, and the explosion roared!

"Awesome, I will use 70% of my strength for the next punch. Even if the peak power of the **** transformation is hit by a punch, I will be seriously injured." Frosty White appeared on the side, the power in his body continued to emerge, and my clothes fluttered!


Xiao Chen said, his face became a little serious.

The next moment, the two moved at the same time again!


The two hit each other again at the top of the martial arts arena, and they were still evenly matched. At this time, there were many strong men around the martial arts arena, and they were all attracted by the movement of the fighting.

"Who is this kid? It seems that there is only one level of cultivation of the gods, who can take over 70% of the power of the young master intact. It is not easy!"

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