Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3152: Hunt down!

"Hmph, do you think you can still escape from my hand?" Tiger Jiao said with disdain, and then faintly stretched out his hand, and suddenly a force of time and space acted on Xiao Chen and the others.

"Is time and space bound?" Xiao Chen's expression changed.

"It's not a question of being able to do it, but of being able to do it." Xia Ruoxi said solemnly, and just as her voice fell, the four of Xiao Chen had already held hands and disappeared in the next moment.

"What!" A brief dull look appeared on Hu Jiao's face. He didn't understand how Xiao Chen and the others escaped his time and space constraints.

"Interesting, but I want to see where you can go!" A smile appeared on Hu Jiao's face, and the next moment he disappeared.

Xiao Chen and the others had just jumped out of the void, before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, the tiger dragon appeared.

"I will never let you guys this time..." Hu Jiao hadn't finished speaking, Xiao Chen and the others had disappeared again. Before Hu Jiao had finished speaking, they were choked back, and the expression on his face immediately stiffened. Go up, followed by utter anger.

He is an eighth-order powerhouse, and let a few ants escape in front of him. This is a huge humiliation to him, with a murderous intent on his face, and disappears again.

In this way, as soon as he fled and chased, he had already crossed most of the sea of ​​innocence without knowing it.

"Damn, what the **** is going on, why the time and space constraints can't restrict their actions, but only a few seventh-order ants."

Tiger Jiao's face is full of gloom, he has chased most of the sea of ​​innocence, but he can only see the shadows of the four people, and he can't help but feel extremely angry.

"No matter where you flee, you can't escape to death!" Tiger Jiao roared, faster.

"Really? You can catch up if there is a species, tiger cat garbage." Xia Ruoxi sneered.

"Huh, something that does not live or die!" Tiger Jiao said furiously.

"Huh?" At this moment, Xiao Chen stopped abruptly, with a smile on his face.


Hu Jiao let out a shock, he didn't expect Xiao Chen and the others to stop suddenly.

But soon.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Hu Jiao's mouth.

"Is the power exhausted? It seems you have nowhere to run."

"It's not that the power is exhausted, but that there is no need to escape." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You are a Tier 6 ant, and you are also worthy to talk to the patriarch." Hu Jiao gave Xiao Chen a cold glance and said with disdain.

"What is arrogant? Isn't it a rank eight powerhouse? You are saying, you don't even know why we can escape now, what else is arrogant about you.

Xiao Chen sneered.

"What do you mean?" Hu Jiao's face sank. What puzzled him the most was why they could escape from the constraints of his time and space.

"I said that you have shallow knowledge, no matter what, I will show compassion and let you know what a real genius is." Xiao Chen smiled lightly, and immediately activated the time and space constraints.

"What, how is this power possible?" There was an incredible color on Tiger Jiao's face. He couldn't be familiar with this power. It was the power of time and space that he was proud of.

"This is the constraint of time and space, you did it?" Hu Jiao looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief.

"It's this young master, you still don't believe me that you are rubbish, but although I have mastered the power of time and space, my power is not as good as the power of the eighth rank after all, you still have a chance of winning."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Hu Jiao's face gradually calmed down, and he looked at Xiao Chen with a look of surprise. Xiao Chen's use of time and space power really shocked him, but in the end, Xiao Chen was only Tier 6.

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