Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3148: The sea of ​​no delusion!

A few days later, the border of the West China Sea, the Sea of ​​Wuwang.

"Is this the sea of ​​innocence? What a huge ocean."

Xiao Chen and Cheng Qingling appeared in the sky above Wuwangzhi Sea, which was the only way to Haitang City, and it was also the territory of the Sea Clan.

"I heard that the Sea Clan is very domineering. We didn't pass by other people. Will we be intercepted by the Sea Clan?" Cheng Qingling suddenly said, eyes flashing with excitement.

"How do I feel that you are looking forward to being intercepted by the Sea Clan?" Xiao Chen said speechlessly. There are caravans in the Sea of ​​Wuwang, specializing in taking people across the Sea of ​​Wuwang. These caravans have trade transactions with the Sea Clan, so Hai Clan generally will not intercept, and it is relatively safe.

However, unorganized people like them are easily remembered by the sea tribes and the pirate organizations entangled in the Sea of ​​Innocence, so relatively speaking, it is very dangerous.

"Aren't you looking forward to it, my old lady remembers that you like these blindfolds best."

"Although I like these closed eyes, it doesn't mean I like trouble."

"Cut, since you don't like trouble, let's take a detour, there is a battle ahead, don't worry about it."

Cheng Qingling looked into the distance and curled his lips. Xiao Chen also looked into the distance. He also felt the movement of the battle ahead, and there was a familiar aura in it.

"It's Ruoxi and Qinghan." Xiao Chen's expression sank.

"This pair of dead lilies stick together wherever they go." Cheng Qingling curled his lips.

"Let's go, let's go and see. I want to see who is so bold and dared to do both of them." Xiao Chen said coldly, the voice fell, and he had already shot forward, Cheng Qingling followed closely behind. .

The two soon came to the place where the fighting broke out.

At this time, Xia Ruoxi had opened the tidal world, protecting her and Duanmu Qinghan inside. Duanmu Qinghan held the bow of bliss and solemnly looked out of the water curtain.

Around the water curtain, there are a large number of figures. These figures have different identities, including sea tribes, human tribes, and even pirates. They all have the same purpose, which is to attack the tidal world. If the tidal world is not strong, you can Absorbing a certain amount of power, I am afraid that the tidal world is now broken.

However, the defense of the Tidal World is strong, and there is a certain critical point. I am afraid that the water curtain will not last long.

Xiao Chen looked around and was about to go to rescue, but was held back by Cheng Qingling.

"The two of them can hold on for a while, let's figure out what happened first."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, nodded, and then came to the couple with Cheng Qingling. Xiao Chen asked, "This brother, what happened here?"

The man was watching a play and was suddenly disturbed, and he was a little unhappy. However, after seeing Cheng Qingling, his face flashed brightly, and he looked at Cheng Qingling with a smile.

"Hey, I heard that the sea king’s favorite daughter was killed by these two people, and the sea clan’s precious treasure, the water drop, was also stolen by them, so the sea clan issued a reward order, wanted two people, as long as the two are taken, the sea king will There is a big reward."

The man smiled again and said, "In the next Vientiane Zongchun Yuhou, how do you call a girl?"

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes suddenly, and it was obvious that he asked, but Chun Yuhou only looked at Cheng Qingling, but then he was gloating again. It is strange that Cheng Qingling is not mad when he looks at Cheng Qingling like this.

"Me." Cheng Qingling smiled: "I am your mother."

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