Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3132: I am also helpless!

Gu Ying fell directly in front of Xiao Chen.

"what do you mean?"

Gu Ying said solemnly, the Luo family is the in-laws of the Gu family, and they are also affiliated forces. Xiao Chen is making such a fuss in the Luo family, and this is basically just beating the Gu family in the face.


"What hate does the Luo family have with you, that makes you fight so hard!"

"The Luo family’s Luo Yan bullied my people at Tenglong Mountain Villa. The scumbag’s actions were punishable by everyone. I came to the Luo family this time to punish the scumbag. Unfortunately, the Luo family didn’t Listening to people, being arrogant is not good, just do it directly, I can't be passively beaten, so I can only resist, in fact, I am also very helpless."

Xiao Chen spread out his hands and looked helpless.

"You!" Gu Ying's face was gloomy, "Even so, you shouldn't make a big fuss in Luo's family. Don't think you belong to Leng's family, so you can ignore Gu's family."

"You are wrong. First of all, my name is Xiao Chen and I am not from the Leng family. Besides, if it were not for the Gu family's face, I would not be making a big noise in the Luo family today, but to kill someone."

Xiao Chen glanced at Gu Ying, and then shouted: "Tenglong Mercenary Group is assembled!"

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, all members of the Tenglong Mercenary Group fell behind Xiao Chen, Guan Sheng and Hua Yu fell beside Xiao Chen, and Xiao Bai came over with Leng Bing and black robe.

Xiao Chen looked at Hua Yu and said, "How about the casualties of the Tenglong Mercenary Group?"

"None died, only a few suffered minor injuries."

Hua Yu said solemnly.

Xiao Chen nodded, looked at Gu Ying, and said faintly: "Hand over Luo Yan, this matter today is forgotten, otherwise don't blame me for killing!"

"Xiao Chen, don't go too far." Gu Ying said solemnly. Luo Yan was the young master of the Luo family. If she was killed in front of her, she would still be the young master of the Gu family.

"If you want to stop me, you might as well try it." Xiao Chen said lightly, and the Tenglong mercenary group behind him all took a step, killing intent emerged, and a terrifying aura swept out.

"Little Lord!"

Lu Jun and the people at Tengying Mountain Villa all appeared behind Gu Ying, staring solemnly at Guan Sheng and the others.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, this is the young master of the Gu family!" Luo Junfeng brought the strong man from the Luo family who was able to fight, came to Gu Ying, and stared at Xiao Chen and the others with resentful eyes.

"Gu Ying, do you want to take this opportunity to let Tengying Villa and Tenglong Villa fight?"

Xiao Chen ignored Luo Junfeng, just looked at Gu Ying and said lightly.

Gu Ying glanced at Hua Yu and Guan Sheng, and to be honest, she was not sure of winning the battle against Tenglong Villa.

"This is too troublesome. You and I are the owners of Tenglong Mountain Villa and Tengying Mountain Villa respectively. It is better to fight with me. If you win, I will not intervene in the Luo family affairs. If you lose, I will You apologize to the Luo family."

"A fight between you and me? That's fine." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Fighting this kid, isn't this asking for hardship?" Gu Kai on the side could not help but shook his head. Gu Ying already had the triple aura of God-Transformation at a young age. He is not Xiao Chen's opponent, let alone Gu Ying.

Xiao Chen waved his hand, Huayu and the others retreated one after another, and at the same time, Lu Jun and the others retreated back, handing the battlefield to Xiao Chen and Gu Ying.

Gu Ying had never seen Xiao Chen's battle, but it would be easy to convince Guan Sheng and others at Tenglong Villa, so she did not have any contempt for Xiao Chen's low cultivation base, but was ready to make an all-out effort. .

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