Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3118: The Four Sacred Beasts punish the killing array!

And now Tenglong Villa has a six-fold powerhouse, which has obviously surpassed the other two villas. The other two powers must feel that there is no face.

It took a full moment for Guan Sheng and others to recover, but then they suddenly thought of something. It was because of Xiao Chen's help that Huayu broke through the sixth layer of the God of Transformation, and Xiao Chen only came to Tenglong Villa for a few days, Xiao Chen How did he do it, and who was he?

Lao Mo, Lao Ning, and Old Xu glance at each other. They know the identity of Xiao Chen best. In addition to Hua Yu’s current cultivation base, it’s all Xiao Chen’s credit. They suddenly gave the training that Xiao Chen said. A glimmer of anticipation.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Chen said lightly, turning around to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly stopped, and then turned around again.

"San Young Master?" Hua Yu looked at Xiao Chen suspiciously.

"A friend is here." Xiao Chen said lightly, and just as his voice fell, a figure suddenly fell in front of Xiao Chen, it was the evil young man just now.

After seeing the evil young man, Hua Yu, Guan Sheng, Lu Jun and other powerful men changed their colors and looked at the evil young man nervously.

"You are quite bold." The evil youth looked at Xiao Chen and said lightly.

"Why do you say that?" Xiao Chen said calmly.

"I've confirmed that you really only have the one-tier cultivation base of the infant transformation." The evil young man said lightly, his face without sadness or joy, without any anger.

"So, she told you." Xiao Chen said calmly, raising his head to look at the void.

"You are obviously just a baby, why can you perceive my existence?" The void split, and a woman in a green dress fluttered down, looking at Xiao Chen with a little surprise.

"It seems that I guessed wrong. I thought you belonged to a competitive relationship to **** the Golden Nut, but now it seems that I am completely wrong. The Golden Nut has no effect on you, and the four of you are separated. Standing in the four positions of Azure Dragon, Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu reminds me of a certain formation, the Four Sacred Beasts killing formation!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed brightly. He had just carefully observed the map in his mind. He found that all the red danger signs were based on four red dots as an area, and they were sitting in the same position as the blue dragon, the red bird, and the white tiger. , Xuanwu four directions.

"You actually know the Four Saint Beast Killing Array!" The evil young man looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.

"I know it's weird, but what makes me strange is, what are you deploying the Four Saint Beast Killing Array to guard against? What is the secret of Tiangen Forest?" Xiao Chen asked.

"The matter of the Tiangen Forest is not something you can participate in. We are here to find you, just to give you the golden nuts. It is a gratitude before. After taking the golden nuts, you should leave the Tiangen Forest as soon as possible."

The evil young man spoke and took out the two golden nuts.

Xiao Chen was not polite, so he took it, and said, "You must be taken seriously by the strong, so how can I be sent to death in vain? Golden Nuts, I'm not welcome, we will have some time later."

The evil young man nodded and disappeared with the woman.

Xiao Chen always had a bad premonition and was not hesitating. They turned around with Huayu and left.

However, after just walking for a while, Xiao Chen's mind suddenly sounded a system prompt.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the Tiangen Forest series quests. After completing the quests, he will be rewarded for five days in the Advanced Illusion and Secret Realm, with a lot of pitfall value!

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