Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3074: Master Gu control!

Hearing that, the entire Yin family was stunned, and there was nothing serious about it? Just want to destroy the Yin family? The Yin family is about to be wiped out, and there is nothing serious yet!

"My Yin family shouldn't offend you. On the contrary, my Yin family not only gave you beautiful women, but also gave you a lot of treasures, but you want to destroy my Yin family. This is a bit unreasonable." Yin family ancestor said in a deep voice.

"If you haven't offended this young master, wouldn't this young master be able to destroy your Yin family?" Xiao Chen raised a mocking smile.

Hearing this, the Yin family's strong faces sank.

"Your Excellency, don't deceive people too much." At this moment, Yin Guang walked out from behind.

"This young master is bullying you, so what can you do?" Xiao Chen said with a slight disdain.

"If your Excellency insists on doing something to the Yin family, the Yin family will not sit and wait for death. My Yin family is known as the master of Gu, and it is not unprepared. At least I can guarantee that several people will die behind you, including that one. Mermaid."

Yin Guang's expression was a little ugly, he glanced at Xia Ruoxi behind Xiao Chen and Leng Jianyuan's followers and protectors, and said in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, you laughed to death with my young master. You dare to threaten my young master and threaten my young master with the dormant Gu worms in their bodies. Do you really think that your young master doesn't know that they have gu worms? The family members can survive if they are infected with the gu worm."

Xiao Chen laughed loudly, full of sarcasm in his laughter.

"This young man, I don't know what you mean by this?" A face of Leng Jianyuan's protector changed. There were only five of them from the Leng family.

"Leng Jianyuan and you both have Gu worms in your body, but these gu worms are in a dormant state and will not have any effect on your body, and it is difficult to detect them." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Your Yin family are so brave, you dare to punish Young Master Jianyuan!" The Taoist protector was furious.

"Huh, that idiot Leng Jianyuan usually yells five and six to me, and he wants this or that. If it wasn't for his usefulness, I would have killed him long ago."

Yin Guang didn't argue, but sneered, and his attitude indirectly admitted that Leng Jianyuan and the others had been infected with Gu worms, and the five members of the Leng Family suddenly looked ugly.

"Since you know that you have Gu worms in your body, please follow my orders and I will order you to kill them now, otherwise I will let you survive and die."

Yin Guang pointed to Xiao Chen and said coldly, with a smug look in his eyes. Leng Jianyuan had never doubted him, so that he easily succeeded.

"Puff!" Xiao Chen laughed as soon as Yin Guang's voice fell.

"What are you laughing at?" Yin Guang's expression sank.

"Since this young master knows that they have Gu worms in their bodies, he dare to bring them. You won't assume that this young master will borrow your identity and make you afraid to do it."

Xiao Chen sneered.

"What do you mean?" Yin Guang said solemnly.

"The meaning is very simple. Since this young master is here, there is a way to solve the gu worm. Now this young master will let you see what a real Gu control master is."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, as his voice fell, Da Bai appeared on Xiao Chen's shoulder, and at this time Da Bai had already evolved into a colorful wing Gu, with colorful wings on its wings, very strange.

The big white colorful double wielded a fan, and immediately, in the lineup of Yin Jiaying's becoming stronger, there was a low roar like a beast, and then most of the strong, their eyes suddenly became red, and the aura on their bodies became extremely violent. , And showed a bloodthirsty light.

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