Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3022: Touch porcelain!

The middle-aged man continued to say that although he was also Yuan Ying Sixth Layer, he did not violate the peace when he called the senior.

"Jinling Empire?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"Msang Gong, the Jinling Empire is the only power in the Eastern Desolation, and the lord of the empire is a legendary woman. Although the Eastern Desolation is not the strongest among the Eight Desolations, it is the most unprovoked force because the Jinling Empire is very united."

After discovering Xiao Chen's doubts, Shangguan Yinger introduced.

"Eastern Wilderness?" Xiao Chen muttered, then looked to the east and said: "I want to go to the Jinling Empire to see if I can lead the way."

Beiyantang and Gu Ruxue would definitely not let them go. Since they belonged to the Xuehaitang, their eyeliners must be very wide, and the Jinling Empire is the only power in the Eastern Famine, which is a good place to go.

"I'm afraid this junior can't help. We have important things in Sigupo and we must not leave here, but the junior can give seniors a token, and seniors can go by themselves."

Dongfang Guo said with some embarrassment.

"That's good, thank you so much."

"Senior is polite!"


Xiao Chen left the valley with the token he had crossed in the east, and the silver fox was also powerful in Sigupo, so he sent someone to send Bei Yanfang back. In addition, the silver fox needed to consolidate his power. After leaving a piece of jade pendant, he was alone. After leaving, Xiao Chen and the others resumed their **** again.

Sigupo has many forces and is intertwined. In order to avoid trouble, the three of Xiao Chen dressed up and came to the only important town of Sigupo.

Said to be a major town, its prosperous level is not inferior to that of an ordinary giant city. Xiao Chen and the three walking on the street, suddenly a strong wind hits, Xiao Chen only felt that he was hit by someone, and in front of him, it was already collapsed. The next old man is crying out.

"Wow, it hurts me to death. You hurt me and lose money soon!" The old man pointed at Xiao Chen and said loudly.

"I'm going, this old shameless person is here again!"

"It seems that these three people are going to be unlucky!"

When I saw the old man, all kinds of comments were already heard.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, a word jumped out directly, then took off the hat from his head, looked at the old man and said, "Senior, are you touching porcelain?"

"What is Porcelain, I only want Yuanjing." The old man said.

"To touch porcelain is to corrupt people, and you are of the same nature now, but seniors, if you touch porcelain, find a good goal, you said that I, a little guy who has just broken through the first level of Yuan Ying, can give you how many Yuan Jing, you say Isn't it?" Xiao Chen said bitterly.

"Don't be long-winded, I only want Yuanjing." The old man said impatiently.

"Well, I'm unlucky, but senior, you see how many Yuanjing is suitable." Xiao Chen sighed.

"Ten million." The old man was also unambiguous, and said directly.

"Ten million, this old man is crazy, how can a Yuan Ying boy come up with so many crystals!"

"That is, I have never seen him want so much before."

"If it weren't for this guy's extraordinary identity and a bit weird, I would have gone up to beat him!"

The people on the side talked a lot, and the tone was very bad.

"If I have ten million yuan in crystals, I will just buy to kill you." Xiao Chen said.

"Cut, even if you produce 100 million yuan of crystals, you can't kill the old man me." The old man disdainfully said: "You obediently lose Yuanjing, and I will let you go. Of course, if you really don't have one, give me the two behind you. Row."

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