Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2914: Escape with all your strength!

"Master San, there is actually one thing that I haven't told you." Lengbing walked over and said.

"whats the matter?"

"Outside the Tongtian Continent, there is a gluttonous sect. For the sake of strength, it eats everything, which provokes anger and resentment. It is finally destroyed by all the forces from all corners of the world. From then on, as long as you find the person who cultivates the gluttonous feast, he will definitely be affected by all the forces. Pursuing and killing, and those who are related to it, cannot escape death. Heipao is also worried about this."

"I've known this a long time ago." Xiao Chen said indifferently. Even the old man Disha was beaten and only the remnant soul was left, and then sealed, how could the sect he left behind survive.

"Don't worry, I will not easily use the gluttonous feast." Xiao Chen said, what can make all the forces in the world be worried about, how can he easily show people before he has absolute strength.

"That's good." Heipao breathed a sigh of relief.

"If I want to eat you, I will keep you until now."

Xiao Chen gave his black robe a white look, and then moved on. One day later, they finally entered the territory of a fifth-order Yuan beast.

This is a pangolin, six hundred meters long, covered with a layer of black scales, giving a strong sense of oppression.

The fifth-order Yuan Beast was able to utter human words. After seeing Xiao Chen and Kerr, the pangolin was stunned, drool dripped from his mouth, and a fishy smell came on his face: "Jie Jie, two humans have broken through. Come in, and it's still a living human. It's been a long time since I tasted the taste of living humans. Today I can finally get what I wanted!"

"I wanted to taste pangolin meat a long time ago. It seems that I can get what I want today." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then his face was full of coldness, "Do it!"

The voice fell. Around him, thirteen fifth-order powerhouses had already rushed out, and then the strongest attack was launched at the same time. With the blessing of the fifth-order magical artifacts, even if the pangolin reached the Yuanying triple level, it was still in a daze. , Was beaten into scum.

"At least a dozen fifth-order elementary beasts appeared in the perception range." At this moment, the elf said lightly.

Xiao Chen's face sank, and he said coldly, "With full speed, withdraw!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen held Ke'er with one hand, and the Seven Star Wing made a point, and had already withdrawn to the outside. Heipao and the others froze for a moment, and then hurriedly followed.

With a wave of the little elf's hand, a panel that only he could see appeared in front of Xiao Chen, with a small yellow dot on it and a dozen red dots.

"These yuan beasts are so fast, Kerr, it's up to you."

On the panel, the red dots were approaching the yellow dots at an extremely fast speed. What made Xiao Chen astonished was that all the red dots were so fast.

"The Wings of God's Action of the Holy Light Auxiliary!" Ke'er muttered, and then a ray of holy light fell on Xiao Chen and the others. The next moment, a pair of holy light wings appeared behind Xiao Chen and the others. The speed is suddenly several times faster.

"This was made by the third grandmother?" Leng Bing's face was full of shock. Although she had been personally protecting Kerr, she always thought Kerr had some talent in alchemy. I wanted to bring Kerr this time, but it was just a burden. , But did not expect to play such a big role.

"The third young master is just a fake pill, but its speed is not weaker than ours. Now even the third young grandma can make us speed up so much. Are these couples freaks?"

Heipao said in shock.

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