Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2912: overall enhancement!

Looking at the scars on Leng Bing’s face, the black robe also revealed the true face of Lushan. What is surprising is that under the black robe, there is also a woman who is not weaker than the cold, and what is surprising is that the woman The scars on his face were exactly the same as those on Leng Bing's face.

"It seems that you were also thrown in by the scumbag Yi Zhenghua." said coldly, the scars on their faces were their lifetime humiliation and also represented their unforgettable hatred.

"What I want to do most now is to leave the Tongtian Continent and cut that scumbag a thousand times, so that he will never live beyond life." Black robe gritted his teeth, his eyes full of hatred.

"Since we are both sick and pitiful, it seems we can cooperate." said coldly.

"As long as you can kill Yi Zhenghua, it doesn't matter what." Hei Pao said coldly.

"I can understand your feelings for revenge, but the Black Wind Forest is not easy to overcome. Starting today, you will all obey my command."

Xiao Chen spoke faintly, and as his voice fell, the other people behind Heipao had already knelt on one knee towards Xiao Chen. Heipao's complexion also changed, with a hideous look on his face, and then the same as the others. Kneel on one knee.

"It is indeed the Color Wing Gu. It is ridiculous that all the Gu worms have been controlled in such a short period of time." The black robe said hoarsely, her voice full of complex colors. She took advantage of the Gu worms and spent decades. , I took control of the Tongtian Continent, and as a result, with this group of powerful men, nothing was done, but because of a color wing Gu, all were given away, and even myself was given away.

"The blame can only blame you for bad luck, or that I was too lucky. I picked up a Tier 4 Yuan beast egg and picked up a badly injured Tier 5 powerhouse. Now I have picked up such a large number of powerhouses. If I pick it up, I will become the master of the Tongtian Continent, and I am embarrassed to pick it up."

Xiao Chen said with a shy expression, and with these words, the black robe and the cold expression were angry. What is picking and picking became the Lord of Heaven.

"Heipao, you order to go down and gather all the resources on the Tongtian Continent to me, and then let all the powers below Tier 5 go back. After all, if you want to conquer the Black Wind Forest, you rely on the absolute power, not the quantity. ."

"Yes!" The black robe said hoarsely. She was controlled by the Gu worm. She had no resistance and could only obey the order. Then the strong who surrounded the capital began to withdraw.

This time to the Black Wind Forest, Xiao Chen felt the breath of a lot of Tier 5 Yuan Beasts. Even if the black robe unified the entire Tongtian Continent and went in, it would be impossible to see the Black Wind Yuan Beast, and if you want to conquer the Black Wind Forest, you must fully improve. Your own strength, be fully prepared, otherwise there is only one dead end.

"What's going on?" Xiao Meng, the third prince of Xiaoyang and the others were completely confused, but although they didn't know what was going on, they knew that Xiao Chen seemed to have become the lord of the mainland.

Half a month later, Heipao found Xiao Chen and packaged all the cultivation resources on the entire continent to Xiao Chen.

After that, Xiao Chen took all the resources directly and closed the door directly. Time passed in a hurry, and another half month passed. Xiao Chen summoned all Tier 5 powerhouses, a total of 13 Tier 5 powerhouses.

"This is a Tier 5 prehistoric weapon tailored for you by this young master, a Tier 5 prehistoric secret technique, and a set of Tier 5 combined attack formations. Next, your main task is to thoroughly master the Tier 5 prehistoric art and combined attacks! "

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