Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2901: Kill all!

The palace hall!

Kerr simply sat next to Xiao Wan, and Junyan who wanted to talk to Kerr was ignored by Kerr, including several princes who returned without success.

"Brother, it's been a long time since I saw you."

A prince sat next to Chu Rui who had just retired.

"I have seen Brother Three Emperors." Chu Rui said nonchalantly.

"Eight brother, the emperor brother recently heard a very interesting thing, I don't know whether the eighth brother is interested." The third prince didn't mind, just smiled faintly, and an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes.

"Not interested in."

"It doesn't matter if you are not interested, but don't blame me for not reminding you. If you are not interested, I am afraid that within a few days, you will become the laughing stock of Beiyan." The third prince said lightly, getting up and leaving.

"What do you mean?" Chu Rui's voice was cold.

"You just came back, maybe you haven't heard of it, but the third young lady in the prime minister's mansion once confessed to you, would you not forget it?" The third prince smiled.

"Huh, does the emperor want to disgust me?" Chu Rui snorted coldly.

"This is disgusting. If I tell you, that third lady is actually a man." The third prince whispered, his eyes full of teasing.

"Hahaha, the eighth brother was confessed by a man, and it is true that men and women eat it all." The third prince laughed in a low voice. His voice was full of sarcasm. He was just rejected by the young master of the Tianling Pavilion. After receiving such a news, I must have heard Rui is very upset, he will be happy if the Eighth Prince is upset.

Chu Rui's face was as ugly as shit. He knew that the third prince had come to disgust him deliberately, but even if he knew it, he was still very angry now. He greeted the cronies behind him and asked him to investigate the truth.

The whole banquet was quite boring, but Xiao Chen discovered some interesting things, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then he had a simple meal with Wang Ling, and then quietly left the palace.

"Host, you have been followed." The elf said lightly.

"I perceive it." Xiao Chen said lightly, the other party's tracking method is not clever, but the other party's intention is unknown, so Xiao Chen did not solve it immediately, but took them to a remote street.


Several figures had already fallen, surrounding Xiao Chen and the others.

"Who are you?" Xiao Chen asked coldly.

"Those who want your life!" A cold voice came, and these people had already killed Xiao Chen directly.

"Three young masters, what should I do?"

"Kill all, don't leave one!" Xiao Chen said coldly, and the Shattered World Claws cooperated with the Overlord Fist. After a few strokes, these people were dead and dead.

But at this moment, there was a neat stepping sound, and then a team of imperial city guards wearing golden armor surrounded the surroundings.

A middle-aged general came out and shouted coldly: "Bold fanatics, dare to kill people in the imperial city, take them down, rebels, kill them!"

"Three young masters, these are the guards of the imperial city!" Wang Ling said solemnly. The guards of the imperial city are guarding the imperial city and represent the face of the royal family.

"Are you sure you want to take me?" Xiao Chen sneered: "Although I don't know what's going on, but if you want to take me, you don't have the qualifications yet!"

"Do it, there is no mercy for those who resist!" the middle-aged general shouted coldly.

"Wang Ling, kill all!" Xiao Chen said coldly. The appearance of this group of imperial city guards was too strange. Obviously someone did it deliberately, but the strongest group of imperial city guards is the general in front of them. , It's just five-layer foundation, and it's too far to get him.

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