Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2890: Get out of the prime minister's house!

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense, don't hurry up and apologize to your father." Xiao Wan hurriedly said, leaving the prime minister's mansion and without the background of the prime minister's mansion, it is very difficult to continue to survive in the country.

Xiao Chen did not speak, but looked at Xiao Meng plainly.

"You know that after you leave the Prime Minister's Mansion, whether you are bullied or killed, the Prime Minister's Mansion will not help you out. With your cultivation base, it is difficult to live."

Xiao Meng said solemnly.

"I think at least it is better than the Prime Minister's Mansion. After all, you don't have to face a group of hypocritical people all day long." Xiao Chen said.

"Well, I will allow you to leave the Prime Minister's Mansion. In addition, I will inform the entire Beiyan State, and hope that you will not regret it then."

"Don't worry, I will never regret it." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then looked at the fifth elder: "Since the competition is invalid, it's time for me to return my Yuanjing."

The Fifth Elder looked at Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng nodded, and then the Fifth Elder returned Xiao Chen's storage ring to him.

Xiao Chen took the storage ring and came to Xiao Wan and said, "Sister, take this one. Thank you for taking care of me for so many years. In addition, if something happens in the future, you can come to me, Sister, remember, Even if the Prime Minister's House can't solve the matter, I can solve it for you!"

"I..." Xiao Wan held the storage ring in her hand, feeling a little at a loss.

"Wang Ling, go call Leng Bing, let's leave." Xiao Chen said, and then left the high platform, and Wang Ling was about to leave.

"Wang Ling, you should know the effect of cultivation resources on a warrior. Now Xiao Chen has been driven out of the Prime Minister's Mansion. You are following him and it will only drag you down. If you stay, I can invite you to be mine. Staff."

At this moment, Xiao Yang said.

Hearing this, Wang Ling paused, then turned to look at Xiao Yang, disdainfully said: "I would rather be a groom next to the third young master than to be your assistant, because you are not worthy!"

Suddenly, the entire square was horribly quiet, staring at Wang Ling in a daze, especially the sentence that you are not worthy, and it echoed in everyone’s ears. Who is Xiao Yang, the most outstanding genius in the Prime Minister’s Mansion, plus today’s Regardless of whether it is the prime minister or the two elders, they are all on Xiao Yang's side. It is clear what the future will be like. However, Wang Ling chose the three young masters who were expelled from the mansion instead of rejecting Xiao Yang, the owner of the future prime minister's mansion , Which makes many people puzzled.

Xiao Yang clenched his hands and gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of killing intent. He felt a deep humiliation, and no one had dared to humiliate him so much.

Xiao Chen left the Prime Minister's Mansion with Wang Ling and Leng Bing, and the news that the Third Young Master Xiao Chen was driven out of the Prime Minister's Mansion also went straight away.

After leaving the prime minister's house.

"Master San, what should we do next?" Wang Ling asked.

"I have already contacted Crazy Wolf and asked him to find a better house. We are looking for a few maids and servants. We will stand on our own." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Yes." Wang Ling said excitedly.

After leaving the Prime Minister’s Mansion, Xiao Chen and several people stayed in the restaurant for a few days. On this day, the mad wolf came to Xiao Chen’s room and said respectfully: "Enjoy the Three Young Masters. There are more than ten thousand yuan crystals, but since Tianling Pavilion currently does not have so many kinds of crystals, the other party discussed whether it can use pill or some other resources to replace Yuanjing."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and then said: "I know about this. By the way, what about the mansion I asked you to find?"

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