Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2887: One solution!

"Yeah." The three elders nodded faintly, and their attitudes were different from before. Only the seventh elders were calm and invited Xiao Chen to sit down.

"Xiao Chen, a thousand yuan crystal is not a small amount. If you can't get it out, then you are deceiving the elders and you will be driven out of the prime minister's house."

The Seventh Elder said in a deep voice after watching Xiao Chen sit down.

"Seven elders don't worry, I can still get a thousand Yuanjing." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Dead duck has a hard mouth." The other elders sneered in their hearts. Xiao Chen has always lived as the third young lady, and has no talent for cultivation. The cultivation resources he has obtained are pitiful. Even if he has accumulated since childhood, it is impossible to produce a thousand yuan crystal. .

"If this is the case, then you two will put the bet in my hands. This challenge is up to the three of us." Seventh Elder said.

"Thank you for the three elders." Xiao Yang said, then took out a storage ring and gave it to the sixth elders, who swept their minds and nodded.

And Xiao Chen also gave the storage ring in his hand to the seventh elder, and the seventh elder swept his consciousness, and then frowned slightly.

"The Seventh Elder, is it not enough for 1,000 Yuan Jing? If it is not enough, then there is no need for this competition." The fifth elder sitting on the main seat sneered.

"Oh, no, Yuan Jing is enough." The seventh elder came back to his senses, and then handed the ring to the fifth elder, but there was some doubt in his heart. He found the word'Rui' in the storage ring. If he didn't If you remember it wrong, this is the mark of the Eighth Prince Chu Rui, but how could Xiao Chen have the Eighth Prince's storage ring.

After the fifth and sixth elders finished counting, they both frowned slightly, and they obviously did not expect that Xiao Chen could really come up with a thousand yuan crystal.

"The bet is set, and now there are two challengers on stage!"

The fifth elder said solemnly.

"What, the Third Young Master really took out a thousand Yuanjing, how is this possible!"


Everyone was shocked, even in the eyes of Xiao Qian and others, they were full of surprise.

"Go." Xiao Chen looked at Wang Ling behind him and said lightly.

"Yes, Third Young Master!" Wang Ling nodded, and then he was already on the square, and Pu Yuan came to the opposite side of Wang Ling.

"I didn't expect that you could actually come up with a thousand yuan crystal." Pu Yuan sneered.

"It's only a thousand yuan crystal, what's so strange, poor ghost." Wang Ling sneered.

Pu Yuan's face sank and said coldly: "Huh, although I don't know how you can come up with a thousand yuan crystal, but promised my challenge is your biggest failure. Today I will let you understand that I rejected Master Xiao Yang. What a wrong choice to follow a waste."

Upon hearing this, Wang Ling's face sank and said that he could, but he absolutely forbid anyone to insult his Third Young Master. He had already decided that he would let Pu Yuan lose completely.

"Wang Ling!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's faint voice came from the high platform.

Wang Ling turned his head to look at Xiao Chen, and at this moment, Xiao Chen faintly stretched out a finger.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Young Master Third, don't worry and promise to do it. If you can't even do this, I won't have the face to follow you anymore." Wang Ling said powerfully.

"What does it mean?"

"Who knows?"

"Third brother, what kind of dumb riddle are you playing?" Xiao Rui asked with some confusion, and everyone else's eyes fell on Xiao Chen.

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