Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2874: Black Wind Forest!

"Go find a carriage, we are ready to set off." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Yes, Third Young Master!" Wang Ling hurriedly said, and then followed Xiao Chen and left together, leaving only the people who fisted and looked at each other.

"Isn't that the Third Young Master Xiao Chen, why did Senior Wang Ling be so polite to him?"

"Yeah, is it because Senior Wang Ling refused the solicitation of the other three to follow the Third Young Master?"

"Impossible, the strongest third young master in the future is to build the foundation, what future is there with such a young master."

There was a lot of discussion in the compound, and Pu Yuan's eyes flashed cold, Xiao Qian was a little gloomy, but Xiao Rui showed an expression of interest.

"Wang Ling was very excited when he saw Xiao Chen just now. Could it be that Wang Ling's breakthrough is related to my third brother? Wang Ling's talent is limited. Unless he gets the Jidan, he will not be able to break through. It's interesting. Take a look at my third brother."

Xiao Rui smiled, then turned and left the courtyard.

Wang Ling found a carriage, and he served as the horseman, and headed towards the Black Wind Forest. After two days, they had already arrived at the outskirts of the Black Wind Forest.

Xiao Chen looked at Wang Ling next to him and said, "Although you have broken through the foundation building, your cultivation base is still too weak. Um, hold this secret technique. I have time to practice. I don't want to carry a burden."

Speaking of Xiao Chen throwing a jade slip to Wang Ling, listening to Xiao Chen's merciless contempt, Wang Ling wanted to cry without tears, he was the first one, and Xiao Chen was the nineth one, so who is the burden?

However, when Wang Ling checked the contents of the jade slip, he was shocked, and then he breathed a little bit sharply. He looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief and said, "Master San, is this a Tier 3 prehistoric secret technique?"

In Tongtian Road, generally the first-order corresponds to Qi training, the second-order corresponds to the foundation building, and the third-order corresponds to the false pill, that is to say, the third-order prehistoric secret skills can generally only be displayed by the strong fake pill, and according to his Knowing that the entire Prime Minister's Mansion has only three Tier 3 prehistoric secret skills.

Xiao Chen nodded. The great secret technique he gave to Wang Ling was exactly the "Sword Qi Rushuang" that Xiao Chen was rewarded after completing the task "Three Young Master's Sword"

Seeing this, Wang Ling was even more shocked, and then looked at Xiao Chen and knelt on one knee: "I, Wang Ling, would like to follow the Third Young Master forever, and I will never give up for the rest of my life!"

He took out the Jidan, and took out the third-rank wild secret skills. He believed that even Xiao Yang would not be able to do it, and he could give it to him without hesitation. It was his ancestors who could follow such a person. Blessing.

"Get up, let's go in!" Xiao Chen said, and then walked straight forward, and Wang Ling also hurriedly followed.

"Little elf, when have you been so generous?" Xiao Chen said while looking at the elf on his shoulders. Just after he entered the Black Wind Forest, a map of the entire Black Wind Forest appeared in his mind. It marked various spiritual materials and the location of the beast crystal required for Xiao Chen's mission.

"Seeing you poor, sister help you!" the elf said triumphantly.

"Interesting." Xiao Chen gave a thumbs up, and with the map in the back of his head, Xiao Chen didn't need to rush to headless flies, but searched for it purposefully, so a plant of spiritual material was collected by Xiao Chen. in.

"Three young masters are very lucky. You have obtained more than fifty kinds of first-order spiritual materials, and more than a dozen second-tier spiritual materials. Even if it is a mercenary group, it is impossible to have such a big one in three days. reward."

Wang Ling was shocked.

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