Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2871: Tianling Pavilion!

Prime Minister's House.

Xiao Rui glanced at Xiao Chen deeply, turned around and left.

And the news that the third young lady in the Prime Minister's Mansion was originally a man, under the impetus of the caring people, quickly spread throughout the country, and the name of the third young master Xiao Chen also spread.

Although Xiao Chen became the third young master of the Prime Minister's Mansion, his situation has not improved much. After all, talent determines everything. Even if he knows that he is the young master of the Prime Minister's Mansion, the faint red light has already doomed his future achievements, so naturally , Not many people can afford him.

Xiao Chen's room.

"Are you unwilling?" Xiao Chen looked at the guard Ling in front of him and said lightly.

"It is an honor for me to protect the Third Young Master." Ling Huwei arched his hands, but he was determined to be unwilling in his heart. Xiao Chen's talent was obvious to all. Following such a master, what future could he have in the future.

"You are not reconciled. You are mine now. What's your name?" Xiao Chen asked. Ling Huwei was sent by his cheap father to protect him. Thinking about it, Xiao Chen felt ridiculous and sent a training. The people at the peak of qi came to protect him, and they really didn't know who was protecting whom.

"Enjoy the Third Young Master, my name is Wang Ling."

"Wang Ling, come with me to the city!" Xiao Chen said.


Outside the capital, Xiao Chen took Wang Ling to a mass grave. The close maid who served Xiao Chen’s predecessor was thrown into the mass grave. However, wild animals often pass by in the mass grave. At that time, there was only a pile of bones left in the mass grave, and I didn't know who it was.

Xiao Chen sighed, then found a beautiful place and built a cloak mound.

"It's really sad that a girl who takes care of herself with all her heart does not even know her name!"

Xiao Chen sighed and left the words of Xiao Chenli, and then returned to the capital with Wang Ling.

"Wang Ling, do you know how to get Yuanjing the fastest?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Enlighten the Three Young Masters, the fastest way to obtain the Primordial Crystal is to go to the Heavenly Spirit Pavilion and accept the task of finding spiritual materials, spiritual medicine or animal crystals."

Wang Ling replied that he had almost guessed what Xiao Chen wanted to do. Yuan Jing was the most common resource for cultivation, but as Xiao Chen, he might not get much at the Prime Minister’s Mansion. Xiao Chen could only use other methods. Obtaining Yuanjing, but how can it be easy to obtain Yuanjing.

Let’s not talk about pill refining, refining tools, and Fu Zhuan. Even if you do the task of Tianling Pavilion, it is very dangerous. With Xiao Chen’s talent, it is even more difficult to complete the task!

"Tianling Pavilion?" Xiao Chen murmured. He had heard of Tianling Pavilion. It was the largest power in the entire Tongtian Continent. There are branches of Tianling Pavilion in every country, and Tianling Pavilion's main business It is selling pills and alchemy, so regardless of financial resources or strength, they are all top-notch existences.

"Then let's go to the Tianling Pavilion."

Tianling Pavilion is located in the center of the national capital. It is an unusually majestic attic. The main hall on the first floor is the busiest. Those who buy medicine, take on tasks, complete tasks, come and go, so lively.

"It's a lively Tianling Pavilion." Xiao Chen and Wang Ling walked into the first floor. The entire first floor is divided into three parts. One part sells all kinds of medicinal pills, one is to issue missions, and the other is to exchange various Kind of resource.

"Three young masters, in the Tianling Pavilion, you can earn points by completing the tasks set by the Tianling Pavilion, and then exchange the points for Yuanjing or various pills.

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