Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2868: got the wrong person!

"I have seen the Seven Elders!"

After seeing the old man, everyone salutes respectfully, even Xiao Rui and Xiao Qian.

"At this age, you have reached the 9th level of Qi training, can receive the triple punch of the foundation building, and retreat all over your body. You are very good. If you really agree with Ruer's girl, I can allow you to enter the Prime Minister's Mansion, but If you dare to apologize to Ru'er, I will kill you myself."

The old man stared at Xiao Chen and said lightly, and at the same time a coercion was acting on Xiao Chen alone.

"Are you intimidating and lure, but he should have been asked by the eldest sister to help me, but unfortunately, no one has noticed until now. In fact, I am the third lady."

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth: "Seventh Elder, I never seem to say that I want to enter the Prime Minister's Mansion, because I was originally a member of the Prime Minister's Mansion, so why should I enter the Prime Minister's Mansion again?"

"It was originally from the Prime Minister's Mansion, what do you mean?" The Seventh Elder frowned.

"Hahaha, I have lived in this prime minister's mansion for nearly 20 years, but no one recognizes me. Do you think I am sad?"

Xiao Chen laughed loudly, but the laughter was a little sad and a little sneer.

"I have lived in the Prime Minister's Mansion for 20 years. I shouldn't. If it's 20 years, how could I not know him."

"That's right, this is just a raw face!"

"Could you be...?" Xiao Wan looked at Xiao Chen with an incredible expression on her face.

"Why Wan'er, do you know him?" The Seventh Elder looked at Xiao Wan suspiciously.

Xiao Wan walked towards Xiao Chen step by step, stroked Xiao Chen's face, and said a little excitedly: "Are you really...?"

"If anyone in the Prime Minister's Mansion can recognize me, I'm afraid only the eldest sister." Xiao Chen smiled.

"But aren't you dead?" Xiao Wan asked suspiciously.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen's expression froze.

"Wan'er, who is he?" the Seventh Elder asked.

"Seventh elder, do you still remember the twin brother with whom the third sister disappeared, do you think he looks like the third sister." Xiao Wan said a little excited.

"What you said, he really looks a bit like Ru'er's girl, but he looks the same and doesn't explain much. He must use a blood stone to verify his identity."

The seventh elder calmly said that the blood drop stone is a way to test the blood of the clan, and it is also a way to test the talent.

"Yes, what the Seventh Elder said is right. It is impossible to be sure based on looks alone. If it is a counterfeit found by someone with ulterior motives..."

Xiao Qian opened the mouth and said, although the following words were not said, everyone understood.

"Xiao Qian was right. We immediately went to the central square to take a test. If it is true, you will be the only heir to the Prime Minister's Mansion. If not, then you have a dead end."

The Seventh Elder looked at Xiao Chen, and at the same time a qi was locked on Xiao Chen, obviously not wanting Xiao Chen to escape.

"This physical body actually has a twin brother?" Xiao Chen was also a little dizzy at this time. He thought that Xiao Wan had recognized him as the original third lady, but he did not expect that he had admitted the wrong person. Xiao Chen didn't know what to do now. You should laugh when you cry.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen said. Then a group of people came to the central square, and when they heard the news that a young master had suddenly been added to the Prime Minister's Mansion, many people came to the square. Even the retreat elders appeared three. At this time, they were all standing beside the seventh elders, inquiring about what happened.

Soon, the Seventh Elder ordered someone to take out the blood stone. As long as the blood was dropped, if the blood stone emits a red light, it would prove to be the bloodline of the prime minister's direct relatives, and the strength of the talent was judged based on the intensity of the red light.

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