Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2862: The Three Realms collapsed!

The young man laughed and opened his arms suddenly. Then at the entrance of the holy world, the entrance of the demon world, and the entrance of the demon world, the aura of the formation suddenly appeared, and then three beams of light appeared from the formation and enveloped the youth.

The next moment, demon power, magic power, and holy power appeared in the beam of light, rushing toward the youth. At the same time, within the Three Realms, the space began to collapse, the spiritual veins began to dry up, and the continuous power went towards the beam of light. The entire Three Realms suddenly fell into In panic.

"Good guy, it turned out to be the melting pot of heaven and earth. This young man is so mad, not weaker than the old man. Using the power of the Three Realms as the raw material and the blood of the creatures of the Three Realms as the fire, it can not only improve the strength for a short time, but also refine the combined power Dan, crazy enough, crazy enough, the old man likes it."

Di Sha laughed, his voice was full of admiration, and even the Heart of Killing showed signs of recovery.

Listening to Di Sha's voice, Xiao Chen's expression was heavy, and he could feel that the youth's strength was growing crazily. Although he didn't know whether Di Sha's words were true or false, he would no longer be the youth's opponent!


Xiao Chen kept bombarding Jin Guang, making every punch with full force, but Jin Guang remained motionless.

"Don't waste your efforts. This is a golden light charm. Although it is not a high-level seal, it is more than enough to trap you for half an hour!" The evil spirit said, there was some gloating in his voice.

"Hahaha, boy, let the whole fringe world be buried with you, and you will not be a loss!" The young man laughed, his laughter was full of madness, and as the power of the Three Realms continued to flow out, some low-level people in the Three Realms The planet collapsed directly, and all the creatures on the planet perished.

"What should I do?" Xiao Chen was anxious. He didn't expect the youth to deploy a powerful formation with the entire Three Realms as the core. Now he can't break the golden amulet at all, and can't stop the youth at all.

"Dad Xiao Chen, you have to be prepared!"

At this moment, Tian Xing'er's voice suddenly came into Xiao Chen's mind, and then Tian Xing'er suddenly appeared next to Xiao Chen, with her little hand attached to the golden talisman, the next moment, the entire golden talisman was directly shattered.

"This is... her breath is so familiar, who is it?" Di Sha's eyes appeared shocked.

At this moment, Tian Xing'er had already arrived in midair, and with a virtual hand, the three beams of light were like tubes, and Tian Xing'er was caught in his hands.

The young man stared at this scene in amazement, didn't understand what was happening, but he could feel that the three beams of light absorbed power tens of thousands of times faster.

"From now on, you will be disciples of the Sky Star Sect, those who were born into the Sky Star Sect, die as the ghosts of the Sky Star Sect, and fight the prehistoric times for the Sky Star Sect!

Tian Xing'er's voice resounded through the Three Realms, in the soul of every creature, and as her voice fell, the entire Holy Realm and all the planets burst, including the high-level planet, and then the central continent, not only the Holy Realm, but also the Demon Realm. , The demon world also burst.

Immediately afterwards, it was the battlefield of the Three Realms, and the bodies of all creatures were instantly shattered!

"Dad Xiao Chen, if you want to go to the wilderness, you can only go through the soul. All the creatures of the Three Realms, all the creatures of the Heavenly Star Immortal Realm, will appear in the wilderness by reincarnation or seizure of houses. We will see you!"

Tian Xing'er's voice fell, and her body suddenly shattered. Not only that, Xiao Chen found that the entire Celestial Star Territory, the World of Battle Souls, were all collapsing.

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