Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2859: Prepare before the war!

Tomb of the Three Realms.

After listening to Xiao Yan's narration, Xiao Chen appeared thoughtful.

"It seems that the person behind this scene must come from the prehistoric, but it is not easy to come to this fringe world. There must be a powerful force behind the other party to control it. It seems that your kid is in trouble." The ground said indifferently.

Xiao Chen ignored Di Sha, just looked at Xiao Yan and asked, "If I am not mistaken, the three of you should be Silver Fox killers. Is that person also Silver Fox?"

"Yes, Silver Fox was the one who ordered us to establish, and the three of us are the three heads of Silver Fox." Xiao Yan nodded.

"What you hide is really deep, no wonder no one can find the Silver Fox headquarters." Xiao Chen said.

"Silver Fox? Could it be that the guy made all of this, but it's really possible, after all, that guy can do whatever it takes to improve his strength, even if he slaughters hundreds of millions of creatures, he really has the demeanor of the old man." Di Sha said, voice China is also full of pride.

"If I remember correctly, the Silver Fox Killer is very respectful to the gluttonous powerhouse. Do you think I only need to show the gluttonous feast and the other party will surrender?" Xiao Chen said.

"Do you believe what you said?" Di Sha asked back.

Xiao Chen smiled, without replying, how could he believe that the premise of respect is strong strength, if there is no strength, plus the temptation of interest, anything can happen.

"I have almost understood the truth of the matter. You should stop the war first. I will be at the Tomb of the Three Realms. I will wait for that person to come. I will surely give him a surprise at that time."

Xiao Chen said lightly, the voice fell, and he had already turned and left. Although he was confident in his strength, he still had to make some preparations.

"Should we really believe him?" The Demon Empress looked at the other two and said.

"Do we have any other choice now? Although there is a magic vein in my brother, you should also be aware that in addition to the demon world, the demon world and the holy world are also showing signs of collapse. If the fight continues, it will only accelerate the collapse of the three realms. What we can do is delay the collapse of the Three Realms."

Xiao Yan said solemnly, not only the Demon Realm, but the Demon Realm and the Holy Realm are also on the verge of collapse, but it is not as obvious as the Demon Realm. As for the occupation of the Holy Realm and obtaining a place to survive, it is just an excuse for her to start a war.

"To do everything to obey the destiny. Originally, I thought Xiao Chen was also from Honghuang, and wanted to win him with strength. I didn't expect that he turned out to be the queen's brother. Although I don't know how he has that power, we still It's a desperate bet."

Since seeing that Xiao Chen possessed great power in his body, Ximen Youyue has been drawing in Xiao Chen, but the war broke out too suddenly, and it is not known whether Xiao Chen has the ability to fight against that person.

"It's useless to say these now. Let's stop the war first. After all, it will take a while to live longer."

Xiao Yan said, the other two nodded, and the three strongest three of the Three Realms stopped. The war soon subsided, but they did not leave, but camped on the spot.

Xiao Yan and the others knew that at the latest half a month, that person would come. If Xiao Chen could win, they would have more time to live. If Xiao Chen lost, the speed of the destruction of the Three Realms would be advanced.

In the mysterious space, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged, and the Nine Turns Divine Desolation Jue continued to operate, constantly forming a great power in his body, and this practice took more than ten days.

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