Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2855: The war broke out!

Xiao Chen glanced at the Black Dragon Demon General indifferently, and then the whole person had disappeared.

"What a terrifying look, who the **** is this?" A cold sweat appeared on the Black Dragon Demon General's forehead.

Shortly after Xiao Chen disappeared, several figures fell.

"Heilong, what did you release the summoning order for?" The Black Tiger Demon General asked.

"The person who defeated us that day appeared." The Black Dragon Demon General said solemnly.

"What!" Hearing this, the Black Tiger Demon was shocked, suddenly thought of Xiao Chen, and hurriedly asked, "Where is the human?"

"Already gone, I dare not stop him."

"Let's go? Forget it, don't care about him, the Demon Emperor summoned all the demon races, saying that there is a big thing to do, we should hurry up and gather." The Black Tiger Demon General said solemnly.

"Big thing, what big thing?"

"Not sure, but this time it is a death order." The Black Tiger Demon General said.

The Black Dragon Demon General showed a look of shock, and then did not dare to hesitate, following the Black Tiger Demon General, he had disappeared.

The Black Dragon Demon General is just a small episode for Xiao Chen. He has been traveling through the Demon Realm Alliance with the main purpose of absorbing demon power. Even if Xiao Chen's cultivation level cannot be improved, the power of the wildness in his body can be infinitely improved in just one month. Xiao Chen felt that his strength was several times stronger than before.

"I have been out for more than a month, so I should go back and take a look. There is also the Demon Realm's affairs, and I have to deal with it."

Somewhere in the mountain range, Xiao Chen retracted his breath, glanced at the direction, and then headed towards the Saint Realm Alliance.

"Strange, how did you find that the monster clan is so much less?" On the way back, Xiao Chen found that the monster clan he encountered was much less than when he came, and all the monsters he met were weak, even weak. Monster.

However, when he came to the Tomb of the Three Realms, Xiao Chen almost knew what had happened, because now the entire Tomb of the Three Realms was fighting, the sky was dark, the blood was flowing, the sacred power, the magic power, the monster power, and the smell of blood gathered together. Terrifying.

The Tomb of the Three Realms was originally the core of the battlefield of the Three Realms, and battles broke out frequently, but compared with the scene in front of them, it was completely insignificant.

No matter the scale of the battle or the number of battles in front of you, it far exceeds the previous battles.

"Could it be that the War of the Three Realms broke out in an all-round way? The Three Realms are all integrated, how can I complete the task?" Xiao Chen looked at the battlefield in a bewildered manner.

"Something is wrong." At this moment, Di Sha's somewhat solemn voice came over.

"what happened?"

"The old man teaches you a set of concealment methods, and you will do what the old man said for a while." Earth Shao said in a deep voice, and then a lot of aura in Xiao Chen's mind. Soon Xiao Chen's figure flashed, as if he was invisible, not only looking at his figure. No, even the breath is hidden.

According to Di Sha, Xiao Chen came to the top of the tomb of the Three Realms, inside a black cloud.

"You mean there is a secret space here?" Xiao Chen asked in confusion.

"Yes, although the method of arranging this hidden space is superb, but under the old man's golden eyes, it is useless, but the old man cannot open it with his current power. If you force it to open it, I am afraid it will be alarmed to press this hidden space. the host."

"You mean that this hidden space was deliberately arranged here?" Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Yes, if the old man guessed correctly, there is a big conspiracy inside, and what you can do now is to enter this mysterious space as soon as possible, otherwise the entire Three Realms will be destroyed."

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