Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2849: The identity of Ximen Youyue!

Mu Tianya stepped back a few steps, then stabilized his figure and looked at Xiao Chen and cursed: "Little bastard, you are actually cheating!"

"This is not tired of deceit, senior, I should count this as winning." Xiao Chen looked at Ximen You Yue lightly.

"Yeah." Ximen Youyue nodded, and then said lightly: "Next."

"Little bastard, I'm not convinced. When we have time, we will be fighting." Mu Tianya said unwillingly, and then landed beside Ximen Youyue.

"Are you coming or me?" The Thousand Faced Spider looked at Bailizhong.

"You come first." Bailizhong looked at the Thousand Faced Spider, his eyes flickering.

"Okay." The Thousand Faced Poison Spider nodded, and then walked out.

"My wife, how is it, did you find anything?" Mu Tianya said.

"His power is very strong. This kind of power shouldn't appear in this world, and it's even impossible to be mastered. What's going on?" Ximen Youyue said, her voice full of doubts.

"A power that can't appear in this world?" Mu Tianya asked in confusion.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, Xiao Chen should use the power of the wild." Ximen You Yue said solemnly.

"The power of the wild, the power of the wild, is he from the wild, like you?" Mu Tianya's voice was full of shock.

"I don't know, but as far as I know, it's impossible to use the power of the wild, even if it comes from the wild." Ximen Youyue looked at Xiao Chen, her eyes were full of contemplation, and Mu Tianya fell into silence.

At this time, the Thousand Faces Poisonous Spider had already started, and a huge poisonous net shrouded directly at Xiao Chen, and what was shocking was that the poisonous net crackled and flashed with thunder power.

"This thousand-faced poisonous spider is really a chicken thief." Bailizhong showed a faint smile. The reason why there is thunder on the poison net is completely because he often feeds Mu Tianya. Over time, the poison net is immune to the power of thunder. In other words, Xiao Chen's extermination of Lightning Yan had little effect on the poison net.

"Small bugs!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, and then stretched out his right hand, and the ghostly fire spewed out, covering the poisonous net instantly, but in a short time, all the poisonous nets had been burned.

When the Thousand Faced Poisonous Spider saw this scene, Mo was expressionless, just turned away lightly.

"It's a bit interesting, it's worthy of being a Thousand Faced Poisonous Spider. The toxin has actually entered the body along with the Netherfire. I am afraid that no matter what attack is used, it will enter the body along with the Holy Power. No wonder the Thousand Faced Poisonous Spider will be jealous by so many people."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth. These toxins can still work for others, but for Xiao Chen, they have no effect, because the gods are indestructible, no poison is invaded, and the Gu Emperor is white. , Can also absorb toxins.

"Toxin is a trivial matter, but Xiao Chen, that woman is not easy." At this moment, Di Sha sounded unexpectedly.

"That woman, you mean Ximen Youyue?"

"Yes, the old man just heard the sound transmission of the two of them by accident. This woman has recognized the great power in your body, and she is still from the great wilderness, and I feel the breath of the silver fox killer from her body."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and recognized the power of the prehistoric, from the prehistoric, or the killer of the silver fox, it seemed that his cheap grandma was extraordinary.

"I didn't expect you to have such a strong power. No wonder you can easily bring down my disciple from the Baili family."

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