Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2845: Mu Tianya!

Xue Lin only felt that his bones were falling apart, and then couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood. Everyone looked at Xue Lin who was vomiting blood in the deep cave, and they were a little confused!

"How could this be?"

Baili Qinglian and other sacred powerhouses are all dumbfounded. Xue Lin is a sacred six-fold powerhouse, and even she was put in a trick?

How is this possible!

The shock in everyone's eyes grew stronger, and then it became fear.

"How is it possible, how can you become so strong?" Xue Lin jumped out of the hole, wiped a handful of blood from his lips, and looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief.

"It's been more than a year. Do you think I was the Xiao Chen who was allowed to kill you back then? Don't be kidding me. I am Xiao Chen, the **** of murder. Now I kill you like a dog!"

Xiao Chen sneered. Although there was no aura showing, Xue Lin seemed to face the ancestor of the sacred peak, giving her a very strong sense of oppression.


At this moment, a powerful aura suddenly intervened, and Xue Lin instantly felt the pressure on his body lightened, and then there was an additional figure in front of him.

"Old man, you are here." Xue Lin looked at the visitor and heaved a sigh of relief, but the person in front of him was not someone else, but her husband, the Thousand Faced Spider.

"Who hurt you?" The Thousand Faced Poison Spider asked coldly, his face full of chills.

"He!" Xue Lin pointed at Xiao Chen and said bitterly.

"I'll kill him for you!" The thousand-faced poisonous spider's voice fell, and the figure had disappeared directly, and then the sky filled the spider web, carrying a terrifying poison, and it had fallen towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly cold, he didn't care about the poisonous nets at all. When he was about to take a shot, there was a sudden thunderbolt, and then a black thunder fell on the poisonous nets. With a burning smell, the poison came. The net has been wiped out by the black thunder.

The Thousand Faced Poisonous Spider frowned slightly and looked up to the sky, and in the sky, an old man in a purple robe appeared, surrounded by a layer of black thunder, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Mu Tianya, what do you mean?"

Thousand-faced poisonous spider said solemnly.

"He is my Mu's family, and it is not your turn to deal with it." Mu Tianya pointed to Xiao Chen.

"He hurt my wife, I must avenge this grudge!" The Thousand Faced Venomous Spider said coldly.

"You are a strict wife, so be it. The year before last, you were besieged by the demons. I saved you. How can I offset this with this favor?" Mu Tianya sighed. Who doesn't know the Thousand Faced Spider and her wife The relationship is very good. If it hurts the Thousand Faced Spider, it's okay, but if it hurts Xue Lin, it's absolutely impossible.

"I saved you the year before the first year ago. Your favor is just the favor that I saved you." The Thousand Faced Venomous Spider said lightly.

"Where is it going?"

"I have saved you before, saying that you saved me, and it has nothing to do with my wife. Anyway, this kid hurt my wife. I must report this!"

Thousand-faced poisonous spider said coldly, there was no room for negotiation.

"That's fine, but you definitely can't kill him!" Mu Tianya chose to back down, because he knew that as long as Xue Lin was involved, the Thousand Faced Spider would never regress.

"Yes!" The Thousand Faced Poison Spider nodded.

"Mu Tianya, the matter of wounding the wife of the Thousand Faced Poisonous Spider has been resolved, then he wounded so many disciples of my Baili family, how should this matter be counted." At this moment, another young man appeared, but Unlike ordinary young people, the person in front of him exudes an aura that is not weaker than that of Mu Tianya and Thousand Faces Venomous Spider.

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