Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2831: Tomb of the Three Realms!

"Give you ten breaths of time, whether to become disabled or to swallow the Gu Pill, think about it for yourself." Xiao Chen was not in a hurry, just said lightly.

Li Qisheng and others looked at Xiao Chen with humiliation in their eyes, especially Li Qisheng, who is also the pinnacle of the ancestor saint in the past, and who could be crushed to death in his eyes, now they are controlled by him. May be willing.

Many people looked at each other, and the next moment, they had already fled in all directions.

"Want to run?" Xiao Chen sneered, and spurred Moxi with a finger with the power of the wild. Suddenly, a wave of power directly penetrated these people's dantians. Astonishment appeared on their faces, and then they fell from midair. Although people are not dead, they are more uncomfortable than death because they are completely abolished.

The rest of the people who saw this scene took a breath, then grabbed the pill in front of them, and stuffed them into their mouths. It was terrible. One move would abolish so many powerful people. They didn't have any. The possibility of escape is better to be controlled than to be abolished.

"Master, what is your current cultivation base?" Chen Kexing couldn't help asking.

"The ancestor sage double, but even if the sacred pinnacle is strong, I can kill!" Xiao Chen exuded the ancestral sage double aura, said lightly, although his cultivation level cannot be improved, but his strength and physical strength can be. Unlimited improvement.


Chen Kexing was shocked on the spot. For some reason, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Do you know where my ten direct disciples are?" Xiao Chen asked.

"This..." Chen Kexing's expression changed, and he stopped talking a little.

"Something happened to them?" Xiao Chen's expression turned cold, and a majestic killing intent rushed out. Even Chen Kexing, who had killed countless demons, felt a chill.

"They're okay." Chen Kexing hurriedly said. Upon hearing Chen Kexing's words, Xiao Chen instantly recovered his killing intent.

"Say, what happened to them?" Xiao Chen asked coldly.

"They are all right, but after they knew their relationship with the master, they were controlled by the ten saints, and they always wanted them to completely sever the relationship between the master and the master, but they always believed in the master, so they never let go. "Chen Kexing hurriedly said.

"Were controlled, what are they doing now?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Well, because they never let go, they were sent to the most intense battlefield of the Three Realms, the Tomb of the Three Realms some time ago." Chen Kexing said in a deep voice.

"The Tomb of the Three Realms?" Xiao Chen murmured. The Tomb of the Three Realms, he knew, was the core of the battlefield of the Three Realms, and it was also the place where the fighting between the Three Realms was the most intense, and of course the most dangerous place.

"I hope that the ten of them are fine. If something goes wrong with them, I don't mind letting the entire Holy Realm be buried for them." Xiao Chen said coldly, and then led Chen Kexing and them towards the Tomb of the Three Realms.

The Tomb of the Three Realms is located at the core of the battlefield of the Three Realms. It is also the most important barrier of the Three Realms. Therefore, a large number of lives are buried here, so it is called the Tomb of the Three Realms.

Because Xiao Chen and Chen Kexing rushed to the road with all their strength, they had already dumped the others. When they came to the Tomb of the Three Realms, they saw various battles. There were saints and demons, demons and demons, and three races. Melee, anyway, as long as they are not of the same race, they will fight wildly!

Xiao Chen didn't prepare to intervene this time, and passed directly, but at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly saw a familiar figure.

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