Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2829: What if there is no backing!

Outside the Silent Valley!

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, the demon spy? How can this be said, but no matter what, Xiao Chen is now very disgusted with Chen Kexing's attitude.

"Chen Kexing, for the sake of our apprenticeship, if you can kowtow now and call me Master, you are still my named disciple, otherwise I will take back all of what I gave you."

Although Xiao Chen's voice was very flat, it revealed a sense of unspeakable indifference and determination. For some reason, Chen Kexing felt a sense of fear.

"Who do you think you are, dare to talk to Senior Chen like this, Xiao Chen, don't forget, you were out of the mausoleum at the beginning, if it weren't for Senior Chen, you would have died!"

A person walked out behind Chen Kexing, looking at Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"If I remember correctly, you should be called Li Qisheng?" Xiao Chen said lightly, looking at the voice.

"Unexpectedly, you still remember me. You were already dead when you went out to the mausoleum, but you didn't expect your life to be so big, but this time it is the Sacred Realm Alliance male and female who will arrest you, whether it is Senior Chen or Linghufang Ning can't keep you, if you know you, you'd better be obedient and catch it."

Li Qisheng said in a cold voice, now that the senior leaders of the Saint Realm Alliance don’t know that Xiao Chen was the culprit who robbed the son of the male and the male Shuang Sha. It can be said that Xiao Chen is now the public enemy of the Saint Realm Alliance, that is to say, Xiao Chen The backing is useless.

"Brother Li is right, you'd better be obedient and catch it!" Another person walked out and said lightly.

"I also remember you, Hao Zhize of Tianyu Sacred Kingdom." Xiao Chen looked at each other and said lightly: "I remember that there should be enmity between us. Do you stand up at this time and want me to kill you?"

"Xiao Chen, at this time, he dared to speak wildly. If it weren't for Senior Chen and Linghu's family, you would be nothing." Li Qisheng sneered.

"That is, even if you are talented, but without Senior Chen, you are nothing." Hao Zhize sneered.

"Hahaha, it turns out that it's ridiculous." Xiao Chen sneered, then looked at Chen Kexing.

"Chen Kexing, are you thinking about it?"

"Xiao Chen, for the sake of our mentoring and apprenticeship, you should follow me back to the Saint Realm Alliance." Chen Kexing said solemnly.

"It seems that you have made a good choice. It's a pity. Originally, the Killing God was able to help you improve your strength. Now you have to take it back!"

Xiao Chen shook his head and glanced at Chen Kexing with some regret. After the words fell, Xiao Chen had already moved and appeared directly in front of Chen Kexing, with his right hand claws directly printed on Chen Kexing's Dantian.

The next moment, the power in Chen Kexing's body was like a dam's flood discharge. In a blink of an eye, all the power in Chen Kexing's body has passed away, and Chen Kexing has become a useless person, sitting on the ground.

"You abolished me?" Chen Kexing looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief, while Li Qisheng, Hao Zhize and the others looked at Chen Kexing, who was sitting on the ground in shock.

Immediately afterwards, a chill came from the soles of their feet, and Chen Kexing, the sacred and powerful man, was abolished and became a **** without any resistance.

"Tell me, what happened to my ten direct disciples?" Xiao Chen looked at Chen Kexing and asked indifferently.

"Hahaha, you actually abolished me, you actually abolished me!" Chen Kexing laughed loudly, but his laughter was full of sorrow, and being a useless person was more uncomfortable than killing him.

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