Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2820: Hands-on in the hall!

When Ying Zheng saw the incoming person, a hint of joy flashed across his face. This housekeeper Yu and the winner had a close friendship.

After listening to the description of the captain of the guard, a cold color appeared on Yu Guanjia's face, and then pointed to Xiao Chen and said, "He just started his hand in the hall, but is anyone willing to testify?"

"I am willing to testify!"

"I am willing to testify too!"

The winning entourage shouted immediately.

"It seems that this matter has already come to the fore. It is an unforgivable sin to do it in the palace hall. You take him down and kill it!"

Yu Butler said indifferently.

"Yes!" the guard leader said.

Ying Zheng and Huo Wan both showed sneers on their faces, and many other demons also looked at Xiao Chen with some pity.

"I said you are not stupid. The so-called evidence is about the gathering of witnesses and evidence, and the people who just spoke were Yingzheng's followers. There is suspicion of collusion. What they said is not countable. You don't understand this. Right? If you don't even understand this, it means that you, the housekeeper, are not competent at all. I think you should abdicate early and let Xian forget it."

Xiao Chen looked at the middle-aged butler with suspicion.

"Hmph, this matter has been settled, no matter how you are arguing, you will never escape to death and take it away!" Yu Guanjia said indifferently, as for a lot of what Xiao Chen said, he simply ignored it.

The voice fell, and the guard behind him had already walked towards Xiao Chen.

"Li Swordswoman, it's time for you to take action!" Xiao Chen ignored these guards, but looked at Li Si.

"Eat and drink enough, **** **** and punish evil, treat it as a hero!" Li Si stood up, squeezed his fists, and Li Si moved, and then with a few bangs, several guards had all flown out. , Suddenly chaos.

"Li Swordswoman is mighty!" Xiao Chen gave a thumbs up!

"Of course." Li Si said proudly.

Steward Yu said indifferently, but when he looked at Li Sishi, his eyes were still serious.

"There is another fly!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Look at how this heroine slapped him to death!" The voice of Li Si fell, and he had already come to Yu Guanjia. Amidst everyone's astonished eyes, he slapped Yu Guanjia on the face, and the figure of Yu Guanjia flew outside the hall in an instant. .

Li Si clapped his hands casually, and then sat there for a while, two chicken legs appeared in his hands, eating with relish, as if nothing had happened.

"Let me go, what is the origin of these two people, they hit the palace butler, isn't they hitting the devil emperor and the queen in the face?"

"This is going to do something!"

"Reverse, reverse, you dare to do something to me and kill them for me!" Yu Guanjia led several teams of guards and ran in angrily. Although his cultivation level is not high, he is a palace steward after all. Sometimes I was beaten, let alone slapped.

"Wait, what do you want to do, this is the palace hall, do you want to mess up the banquet between the demon emperor and the queen?"

These guards just wanted to do something, Xiao Chen had already stood up and shouted seriously.

But this loud shout was to give all the guards a meal, and at this moment, Xiao Chen winked at Li Si, and the next moment, the two of them moved at the same time.

Bang bang bang!

After a few sounds, all the guards were beaten out, and Xiao Chen came directly to Guanjia Yu, pulled Guanjia Yu by the collar, and dragged him to the front.

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