Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2817: quarrel!

Imperial Palace!

"Where are the Devil Emperor and the Queen?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Suddenly there is an uncle, so I am not used to it, and you are the same generation as us, how could it be our uncle?" Dugu Bailian asked. Up to now, neither of them has been called Uncle Xiao Chen.

"Forget it, if you are not used to it, just call my name." Xiao Chen waved his hand.

"A banquet is being held in the banquet hall. You and Senior Li will sit down first, and we have to greet other guests. I will inform you when the father and queen have discussed the matter." Du Guyue said.

"Okay, you are busy with you." Xiao Chen nodded.

"This son, can I sit here?" At this moment, Ying Zheng waited for someone to come over.

Xiao Chen glanced at Yingzheng, just drank a cup, and didn't mean to pay attention at all. At this moment, Li Sizheng was destroying the food in front of him, so there was no time to take care of them.

Xiao Chen and Li Si were still doing their own things, and the air was suddenly embarrassed.

"You are too rude. My son, Master Ying, asked your names, and you just ignored them. What do you mean?"

The attendant behind Ying Zheng shouted angrily.

"Don't be rude!" Yingzheng waved her hand, and then smiled: "Two, I have no other intentions, just want to make friends with the two."

Xiao Chen still ignored them.

"Yingzheng, Yingzheng, you are really shameless. The two of them made it clear that they didn't want to pay attention to you, but you leaned up like a dog. You said you are not guilty."

At this moment, a voice rang from the side, and then a woman in a black robe with unusually bright eyes came over.

"You are so cheap, do you know the winner?"

The woman looked at Yingzheng and sneered.

Ying Zheng looked at the woman, frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Huo Wan, what are you doing here?"

"Of course I want to see how wicked and shameless you are!" Huo Wan said indifferently, but his eyes were extremely cold, and hatred flashed deep in his eyes.

"Huo Wan, you'd better not mess around here, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Ying Zheng said solemnly.

"You're welcome, okay, then I have to see if you dare to be unkind to me." Huo Wan sneered.

Hearing this, Ying's face sank. This is the place where the Demon Emperor and the Demon Empress held a banquet. If he is here, he has made it clear that he will not give the Demon Emperor and the Demon Empress a child.

Huo Wan naturally understood this, and sneered: "Why, don't you dare? Of course you dare not. You are a scammer. When you were with my sister, you all flattered and faced danger. Push my sister out to protect yourself from the disaster, but you run away, you are not a man at all!"

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