Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2799: Go to Han's house!

Starry sky.

Han Yang and the woman looked pale at the attacking centipede, and at this moment, Han Yang subconsciously pulled the woman behind him, and at this time, the woman also put her hand on Han Yang's back.

"It's going to be a tragedy." Xiao Chen came to the neighborhood and shook his head after seeing this scene.

Only in the next moment, something unexpected happened to him, and the woman pushed Han Yang out.

"Brother Han Yang, run!"

"Do not!"

Han Yang yelled, watching the centipede bite towards the woman, and when the woman was about to destroy the jade, suddenly a figure suddenly fell, and then he punched!

The next moment, there was a rumbling sound, and then Han Yang saw an astonishing scene. The monster that killed many of his followers and almost killed him was blown out by a punch!

"I'm going, really or not, is my strength so strong now?" Xiao Chen stood in place, looking at the huge centipede that was punched by his own king and flew out in dismay.

"Hey, after chasing this killing **** all the way, it's time to vent your anger." Xiao Chen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, Ling Tian appeared in his hand, and walked towards the giant centipede. Then Han Yang and the woman who had survived the disaster saw him A frightening scene.

The man who looked like a soldier from the sky, holding a sharp sword, handsomely, with scattered sword intent, cut off those centipede legs like vegetables, cut off one by one, and fell to the stars.

"So strong, who is this senior?" Han Yang had already come to the woman, looking at the man who cut the centipede with a sword, his eyes were full of shock.

"He is so handsome, Brother Han Yang, I want to abandon you, I want to follow him!" The woman's eyes were full of excitement.

"If I were a woman, I would follow him too, but you don't want to think about it. How can this seniors look at you? Only a stupid person like me can look at you." Han Yang was stunned. Arrived, but there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Second fools, are you sure?"

Soon, Xiao Chen had completely solved the centipede, came near the two of them, looked at the shocked faces of the two, and asked lightly.

"Thank you senior for saving your life." Han Yang hurriedly said respectfully after reacting.

"That senior, what does the second fool mean?" the woman suddenly asked.

"It's just an idiot. You don't look at your cultivation base, but you want to catch a monster equivalent to the sacred seventh layer as a pet. Don't you think about it when you go out?"

Xiao Chen taunted without hesitation.

Hearing this, the two were startled, and then there was an awkward smile on their faces.

"The senior, the junior is Han Yang from the eight major families of the Han family. This is not far from the Han family. The junior wants to invite senior to sit in the Han family to express senior's life-saving grace."

Han Yang invited.

"Eight families, Han family?" Xiao Chen murmured. If he remembers correctly, the main star of the Han family is indeed not far from here, and as the eight major families, the Han family also has its own teleportation formation. A monster planet is more conspicuous than flying in the past with less effort.

"Speaking of what I have to do when I go to the Han's house, let's lead the way." Xiao Chen said.

"Senior, please." Han Yang showed joy on his face.

Soon, the three of them had already left the starry sky. One day later, Han Yang took Xiao Chen to the edge of a planet, and this planet was much larger than the planets he had seen before.

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