Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2796: Huge centipede!

"Yes, master, don't be impulsive!"

"You are so annoying, this young master is doing things, how can you interrupt, saying, as long as you kill him, who will know that we did it?" Tu Yong said gloomily.

"Master, it's useless, the Demon Slayer Order has the Demon Soul of the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Emperor must know it."

"Even if I know what to do, I must kill him today." Tu Yong said gloomily, and as his voice fell, his aura suddenly became very violent. The next moment, Tu Yong suddenly appeared on his body. The beast legs full of spikes suddenly pierced the followers behind him, and then the magic power in those followers followed the beast legs and entered Tu Yong's body.

"this is...!"

Xiao Chen looked at the scene in front of him with a shocked look in his eyes. Those followers had no idea what was going on, they were sucked up with magic power and turned into mummies. At this time, Tu Yong had no human form, and turned into one Only a huge centipede, and at the same time a horrible breath radiated out.

"Damn, what a big centipede, is this what Tu Yong originally looked like."

Xiao Chen looked at the centipede with one leg, shuddering.

"Be careful, although this guy's aura has not reached the sacred peak, but there is also a sacred seven." Di Sha said solemnly.

"The sacred seventh layer is indeed much stronger than before, but this centipede doesn't seem to have much intelligence anymore." Xiao Chen said solemnly, and as his voice fell, the giant centipede had already moved, and the centipede's legs were facing Xiao. Chen stabbed.

"The magic flame is peerless!"

As Xiao Chen dodged, he had already released the peerless magic flame, but after a series of explosions, only some burn marks were left on its hard shell.

"That's a tough guy."

"Kill you! Kill you!" Tu Yong's gloomy voice came from the centipede, and then he rushed directly at Xiao Chen!

"What's this? No wonder the Demon Sovereign can't wait. If it becomes such a madness because of some small things, wouldn't it be the world is in chaos."

As Xiao Chen stepped back, he had already begun to use the Demon God's return, and the magic power in the Mark of Elimination of Demons also kept pouring out.

"The mountains and rivers of the magic swallow the world burst!"

One by one, black vortexes appeared around the giant centipede, but the giant centipede did not pay any attention to it. In its eyes, only Xiao Chen.

Boom boom boom!

After a burst of explosion, Xiao Chen discovered that the centipede had only damaged a few legs. For a huge centipede with hundreds of legs, it was of no importance. Instead, it aroused its violent intentions. Some rubble around Under its attack, it has all turned into scraps.

"It's useless, unless the sacred pinnacle powerhouse takes action, otherwise ordinary people can't hurt him at all. I advise you to run away first!" Di Sha said.

"Don't you see that I am escaping? I remember there is a monster planet nearby, so let's lead it there first."

Needless to say, Xiao Chen also knows that he now can't hurt the centipede. Fortunately, the centipede has lost his mind and just keeps colliding, otherwise Xiao Chen would not know where he died, but even so, Xiao Chen is in danger .

"I'm going, what is that, what a terrifying breath!"

"It looks like it's a monster, isn't it possible for a monster to leave the monster planet? What's wrong with this?"

"This monster seems to be chasing something!"

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